Birds are the gardener’s valuable allies, helping to keep pests in check. But during the colder months there are fewer bugs around to fill their bellies.
Feeding Garden Birds in Winter
Provide sustenance for birds during the winter and they’ll stick around to help snap up pests throughout the growing season.
In this short video we’ll show you how to keep our feathered friends well fed and healthy during the colder months.
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Cool ideas for hanging feeders, but I wouldn't toss food on the ground in my area. It would attract more than birds, that's for sure.
I use to love feeding the birds in the winter….only problem with that was the squirrels would knock the bird food out of the feeders, or the birds would drop a lot on the ground….next thing I know I have rats eating the bird food on the ground. And that became a problem. My neighbors feed the birds in the winter now, so that makes me feel a little better.
I want to do this, but if I did this I'd draw in a lifetime supply of Ravens!
Great ideas but I hope you love rats too.
I have never understood why people think it is okay to feed birds suet. Some birds are carnivores for sure but they definitely don't eat beef or pork.
Thank you for sharing the bird loaf with the alternative coconut oil – suet is terribly expensive here.
need ideas for cat-proof feeders
Great information. Thanks
I have a question, someone told me they take their bird feeders down in the fall to encourage them to fly south for the winter. Is that true or maybe I should be more vigilant about keeping my feeders full. They ate every sunflower in the garden already. Maybe it was just for the hummingbirds. ANyway, thanks in advance if you know.
The Only Holiday present
I bought was BIRD FOOD
great video to remind us all about taking care of the birds. Any suggestions about what to do for the displaced birds from our wildfires in CA?
I love your videos and
have find much useful information. However, I do have to disagree with putting out pastry for the birds or mixing in bread crumbs in the suet cakes. Processed white sugar and white flour are not the ideal food for birds (nor for humans for that matter!) It can cause the Angel Wing syndrome in waterfowl, robbing them of the ability to fly. I know most people don't have waterfowl at their backyard feeders but regardless, why give your birds junk food?
My Grandfather used to put a 4 inch copper plumbing tubing on his green onions. In the absent of light, the onions grow extra long white part of the onions plus the green parts. My father used plastic PCV plumbing tubing, it is cheaper. I assume you can do the same with leeks but with wider diameter of tubing. Just an Old Timer Tricks
The bird feeders attracts birds that like seeds and berries. the birds that eat insects have different beaks. the blue jays eat peanuts in the winter.
we can't put out food directly on the ground cause it attracts rats. i do want to try those tree fruit setups
I haven't utilized this tool before, but I sure want to this year. I have an awe full problem in my garden with squash bugs and slugs!! Only thing is my cat. I know most people with a garden live in the country and most likely have a cat to keep pests like mice away. My cat also loves birds though, and will catch and eat them as often as she can. Has anyone else ran into this problem? What should I do? I want the birds for my garden, but I don"t want to lour them to their deaths either.
Dont use coconut oil. Bacon fat lard sausage fat. Coconut oil is very bad for eating. Includes animals.
A horrid magpie was pecking at my fat balls : O
Birds like dry dog food. If you toss out a handful, the jays and bigger beaked birds will grab it up. Or you could soak it a little for the other birds. If you give your dog a decent brand of dog food, the birds will love it, too.
What lovely video, thank you for your channel I really enjoy learning tips for growing veg at home and at our allotment. You are a happy warm host. Godbless
Very interesting video. Like and sub
no birds are coming to my garden anymore.
i made a post about it on a forum here if anyone can answer:
you forgot to metnion to clean the bird feeders frequently. Dirty feeders spread trichinosis (aka Pink eye) in many songbirds and Finches. This weakens their immune system and makes them more suseptable to prey b/c they cannot see well. PLEASE remember to clean your feeders frequently with a 10% bleach soln. every couple months.
I buy pre made suet cakes, with all kinds of mixes for 97 cents each, so making them isn't really a cost savings. I didn't think of keeping water out for the birds. My problem is that we get down to minus 30 degrees F at night in winter.
These are great tips!! Thank you
I love this channel!!
I found that it is not necessary to have specific feeders . However, Niger seeds need a special feeder.
I mix sunflower seeds, millet, suet pellets, peanut granules and metalwork and put these in 19 of my 21 feeders.
Also, I put out fatballs in special feeders and suet blocks in other feeders.
The birds love variety.
As for ground feeders, they serve Robins and Bkackbirds.
The only problem is the Starlings but with the seeds that are shaken off, the wood pigeons, collard doves and magpies make wonderful gardeners !
It is a waste to put a lot in feeders and not hygienic as the food clogs up and birds do not like working for a few seeds etc.
Thanks for the video.