March 29, 2025

22 thoughts on “VIDEO: You Have Mail Too

  1. Happy New Year Adam, thanks for that tiny shout-out. I'm just surprised you haven't blocked me by now, LOL. You'll regret it in 2018 mate! I'll be all over you like a rash! Best wishes to all at your place.

  2. Hi Adam, I don't know what to say, I was going to thank you for the diary you sent me a beautiful black leather bound edition with brass corner edging and the year 2002 in large gold lettering in the right-hand corner. I expect you did not want to upset your other regular subscribers with this demonstration of your generosity and understanding of my dyslexia with dates. A difficult problem for one running an allotment diary channel. Remember that Toga party last year where I went dressed as a Goat?. Robin sends his greetings also and he is pleased you are enjoying his breakfast food. Well hears to next year (or is it this year?) with good luck with growing on your plot and keep the videos coming. Mike B

  3. Adam, Happy New Year! What an entertaining way to start the year. Thanks for sharing your mail with us. Thank you also for sharing the names of other channels that you watch. I am always looking for some good gardening advice and the scenery to go along with it. My hope this year is to get my channel going again, and keep up with making videos. Have a great day!

  4. Happy belated New Year buddy. long time no speak. Not watched any allotment videos for almost a year with the odd exception. Good to see your still at it I only spent a few weeks on my allotment in 2017 as nothing grew very well but am looking to jump back into mine this year and hopefully get thing sorted for next year. As my mortgage is finally paid we now have extra cash to spend on the allotment and other stuff. You take care buddy

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