In this video, I show how to grow passion fruit from seeds and grow them into dozens of seedlings using the crush and sow method. We then plant the passionfruit out along a trellis to grow into several passion fruit vines – it’s all so easy gardening to do you’ll be amazed by how many passion fruit growing tips we pack into just 2 minutes!
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Self Sufficient Me is based on our small 3-acre property/homestead in SE Queensland Australia about 45kms north of Brisbane – the climate is subtropical (similar to Florida). I started SSM in 2011 as a blog website project where I document and write about backyard food growing, self-sufficiency, and urban farming in general. I love sharing my foodie and DIY adventures online so come along with me and let’s get into it! Cheers, Mark
When we can grew it
Definitely gonna try this out
Love the videos. The weed mat looks like plastic though. Cannot imagine that will ever breakdown.
Could be wrong though and it could be a biodegradable mat system .
jan do you have winters in hot does it have to be for germination
I actually tried your way and it didnt grow for 2 weeks. So I thought I failed and poured the potting mix and seed in a emptyed place of my garden. Then guess what I have about 6 baby passionfruit plants growing now. What a mystery!
By far the easiest seeds for me to germinate,I usually soak in water for 24 hrs and plant them in tray seeds.100% germination
My passion fruit seedlings keep dying and I really don’t know why I can’t make it past their first stages of sprouting
Great video! I can plant my own passionfruit from seeds now. WHERE is the best place to get seeds?
looks so easy
I am officially addicted
Fantastic !
Thank you very much
Self-sufficient, what is the month to germinate passion fruit?
Waiting for you.
These look NOthing like my leaves..
I like the way your video goes straight to the point. Thank you!
I have one question..
It can grow in winter season?
Thanks Mate for sharing this technique, gonna try my hand at growing passion fruit, here in Mexico we know this fruit as 'Granada China', literally: Chinese Pomegranate, lol…but how to know if your fruit isn't grafted, the color of the outer casing? These Granadas chinas are orange in color, and some have a bit of purple near the stem where they were attached to the plant. I bought a passionfruit, known here as 'Maracuya' which I understand is native to South America, that I have in the fridge, so for it to truly dry out, getting it to room temp. Thumbs up, liked and greetings to you from Mexico.
Good video
If possible please send me some samples seeds of Passion fruits 9416108275
Easy for you mate.You live in a warm climate. I'm jealous. I wish I could grow this here in Ol' Blighty.
What month in Australia do I do this passionfruit method?
Also I have bought passionfruit plants and they don't fruit? Why? Ty
Can I grow wild ones I found a vine at work it is so cool!wish I coul send pics!
Thank you for sharing your videos Have a wonderful time ~^

We’ll spoken. Articulate. Clear. To the point. Subscribed. Thank you. fellow Australian.
Someone accidentally cut down my passionfruit vine, I was devastated, it was my pride and joy. The stump died off and hasn't regrown. I was tidying up surrounding flowers and came across 2 very old and dried up passionfruit from my old vine. I harvested all the seeds and planted in trays then transferred the successful ones into newspaper pots. Now I have 51 passionfruit saplings!! It's like the silver lining, my old vine lives on!