You dig, you toil, you reap the rewards. But just how necessary is digging?
Mother Nature doesn’t use a spade, and she does pretty well! So why not follow her example – ditch the spade and save valuable time and effort in the garden.
In this short video we’ll demonstrate how no-till gardening can help save your back while boosting your soil’s health.
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I'm very excited about this method as we have just got our allotment back. We'd given it up simply due to the digging as we're both "not as young as we used to be". Will certainly let you know how we get on.
if i use this method this week, do i have enough time if i want to start planting last weekend of May? i'm in New York
Did I watch and see correctly? Did you let the cardboard decompose? With the resin/wax coating on cardboard, good luck eating those chemicals.
Can you use cedar bark mulch in veggie garden?
I am new at this. I want to try the no dig, but my soil has many rocks mixed to it. Should i just start over that, or do i need to clean out the rocks?
i want to use the no til method
Please can I seed/plant straight after setting my no dig garden or do I need to wait for some weeks
If you follow nature , you should know to put your compost and mulch in the fall so the weather will do the work for you?
I do this
Compost – thick layer
Mulch Deep layer
Only in the fall and only for the 1st few years until the soil gets rejuvinated. After that, I will keep the mulch layer thick and lower the compost used I also cut all my annuals to the ground and leave the roots to rot in the soil.
This method free me time effort money water and my back. Unlike my slave neighbors that keep digging tilling spending countless of hours in their garden and never getting any food worth eating.
But what about maintenance? Once you've laid down the cardboard, and compost, and watered it all in, do you keep it moist every day or just leave it be? I would think that moisture would help break down the cardboard quicker…?
You'd have to use plants that don't have huge roots then?
Can someone comment if any additional fertilizers or soil amendments you use in no-dig method? I wonder in no-dig method just manure and compost layers would sufficiently provide nutrients for heavy feeders like Broccoli, Cucumber, Eggplant, Squash and Tomatoes.
I am a strong follower of Charles Dowding and his no dig method. His market garden is just a few miles away from me so I knew that what worked for him would work in my garden too. I am 60 and my bad back stopped me from gardening for years but now I don't have to dig I am producing loads of veggies all year round – very important since I am vegan. I make my own garden compost, and I use well-rotted manure from a local stable which I then rot down even further. I also use leaf mold which I make myself and I know a lovely man who lets me have the waste from his woodturning business so after I have rotted that down for a bit it goes on my paths. Wish I had known about no dig gardening years ago I attract so much more wildlife into the garden. its sort of win/win/win/win all round.
After using this method for a few years won't your garden beds get too high?
thank you for laying this out simply and in a way that makes sense to the new gardener! In my research I'd heard a lot about the no dig method but it was always in a worshipful "we dont dig of course" kind of way like we're all meant to know what they mean
Wish I saw this 2 weeks ago!
So can I just mow my lawn right down then cover it with compost? Then plant into that??
this would cost a fortune in compost il stick with digging
Thank you I am consered to try the only problem is my cley soil
Can i use rice hull for mulching?.
I have been successfully using this method of cultivation for a number of years now. However, I have recently come across a problem in one area of my garden. What do you do about invading tree roots from sycamore is an ash trees in neighbouring gardens? I’ve recently discovered that they have formed a mass of nutrient sucking roots about 6 to 9 inches below my no dig garden bed. No wonder fertility has been reducing…!
This is brilliant. I am now a convert!
I literally just tilled some land, and then found this video. I can't explain the relief I feel that I will never have to do that again!!! It truly is such a revelation. I hated seeing the worms be disturbed!!
With all this said, would I still need to put down cardboard, or could i just put a thick layer of compost down? What do you think? Im a beginner gardner. Thanks so much for your time and incredible videos!!
i used to trash all my leaves and grass clippings twigs leaves now i throw them under my camelias and theyre growing so well and very few weeds , the soil is alot healthier under my trees than my gardens with my store bought potting mixes in them quite surprised:)
So happy you mentioned Paul Gautschi and Back to Eden Gardening – if it wasn't for watching hours and hours of his videos, I wouldn't have stayed with gardening. I have 5 acres and have had hundreds of free dump trucks loaded with woodchips dropped here. My multiple garden areas have 7 years worth of woodchips and underneath is black gold filled with worms and life. I'm 70 years old and cannot imagine living another way. God's way of covering the earth is prime – thanks to Paul Gautschi sharing his knowledge. I'm so grateful!
Charles Dowding is the Daddy xx