How to Plant a Fruit Tree in the Food Forest Garden for beginners with Composting Fall Leaves. Permaculture is a great start. This will Build your soil health. how to make a food forest Part 5
VIDEO: How to Plant a Fruit Tree – Garden or Food Forest for beginners with Composting Fall Leaves. PT 5
How to Plant a Fruit Tree in the Food Forest Garden for beginners with Composting Fall Leaves. Permaculture is a great start. This will Build your soil health. how to make a food forest Part 5
Hi Mark,
I've noticed it looks like you have a wind generator or two on your farm (and you said so in the last video too). Do you have plans to put solar on your barn? Or maybe stacking functions by putting solar and a rain catchment system on the highest land on the farm, thereby gravity feeding the water to your beds? Cheers,
Thanks for more great info. We're continuing to work on building an orchard, so we're grateful for the tips.
I must say when you speak you’re very clear and understandable. How is your son doing ? I don’t think that ryobi will last a year ? A residential house yes; but a farm ?
good job, Mark. the only thing I do differently is, even if it's going to rain tomorrow and the soil is moist (but frozen), I still water it in to get that soil around the roots.
Hello Mark
Excuse this uneducated question. So why extend ur hole out 1ft each side if ur just gonna refill it with same dirt?
If you buy a $100 plant, you dig a $200 hole. That's what I was told when I purchased My first tree in the 80's. That River Birch is now as tall as the three story house I built behind it.
I follow that rule and all My trees thrive.
P.S. I've always loved how quiet electric is compared to ICEs.
Great timing Mark! Planning on getting 3 apple trees, 2 cherries, and 2 peaches in the ground later this winter. Thanks again for the how to.
thanks for the info i hope to plant some trees in my yard and graft all of them, but 1 question, why arent you covering the trees with leaf mold or wood chips(cuz of the snow?) i thought one of the best things about B2E was that it insulated the ground(also is there any reason why your planting in winter)?
Thank you for this video! And I love the quietness of the new gardentool!
With your other peach trees you had a handful of seeds with it. You have made a couple of great videos with that. And you showed us the beneficials of those cover crops and rye grass and the down side if you don't put this around your trees. Will you put the seeds right away when you plant your trees now, or a few days later or at the end of the winter or in this case not at all?
In advance thank you very much! Blessings!
what if you are planting in clay?
I'm sorry but you are misusing the description food forest. Just because you have planted a few fruit trees does not mean you have a food forest. The definition of a forest is "a large area covered chiefly with trees and undergrowth" a food forest is the preceding with the benefit of food being produced. What you have is a garden with a few fruit trees.
what to do if you don't have access to bare root for a specific tree? Should you wash out the soil, then plant it? Or just break up the outside soil and roots of the potted tree? And, my soil soil is so clay filled, back-filling like how you did would be equivalent to throwing large rocks onto of the roots… I often feel forced to use bagged potting soil. Anyways, thx for the vid and the tip about staking!
Hi Mark. Great content in this video. enjoyed it
Hi Mark,
I paid particularly close attention to the soil depth you planted, and was surprised you went as deep as you did. Here in North Texas, I would be going with at least 3 inches of mulch and maybe more because of our brutal summer, so I likely wouldn't want to go that far into the soil.
I just bought a peach tree yesterday, but was afraid to plant it while it was below freezing outside. Is that safe to do? Also, I don't have bare roots, but rather the potting soil it came in. Is it safe to plant with that soil as well?
Thanks for another great video Mark.
Where did the trees come from?
Great content Mark and always learn something new from you! Could you provide us with where your new trees were purchased from please? very robust roots on those! Have you read any of Michael Phillips from lost Nation Holistic Orchards books? He is a fabulous writer, teacher and so knowledgable. I just resonate with his philosopies and Organic holistic practices. If you have some time to spare check him out on YouTube if you haven't already. All the best to you Mark.
MAAAAAARRRRK!!!! This is urgent! I just watched a video by the name of ‘Capturing residue to build soil organic matter’ it said that cover crops only get their organic matter deposited by fungi and a cover crop high in nitrogen gets broken down by bacteria instead of fungi. If you don’t add wood chips or leaves (for big scale operations I wanna be a soil biologist) how would you support these fungi? No one wants to plant nitrogen stealing grasses in a monoculture. Mixes give the highest nutrient turnover, but apparently fungi have a hard time beating out the bacteria to the stuff. Is no till organic enough to protect the fungi? I’m not happy with this new info cuz I don’t wanna lose my legumes and taproot covers. Please look into for your own and my own good cuz idk how you get this info but it’s great.
Yet another great video, Mark! I'm planning on planting down some fruit trees, this upcoming season and this is great insight! I noticed you mentioned in previous videos that your farm was organically certified. Do you think it'd be possible to make some videos on the process of becoming and staying organically certified? Maybe even some of the pros & cons?
My city gave away fruit trees and berry bushes recently. I got 2 apple trees to plant in my garden. Thanks for the video!
Hi Mark. Have you run across Dan Kittredge with BionutrientFoodAssoc? I'd be interested to hear your take on some of the ideas he has about planting trees as well plants.
I was about to mock you about the epic music until you cut to the "this is what it really sounds like". Made me lol. Great video like always! <3
mark, you have so many tools and tractor and i think you are a big gardener. and i starrted to following your channel after watched your leaves mulch gardening. I wondering is gardening is your main occupation?
Don't break you back
Put a post hole digger on the back of your tractor
when I was 13 we planted 88 popular and 88 long needle pine trees
on a Saturday
On the west side to make a windbreak for are orchard over a 100 trees all planted in sandy loom soil
Exception the south slope where there was a patch of alkali soil were the apricots were planted
We planted them a good 2 ft deep at least a ft deeper than normal
they all lived
I water them with 2 five gallon buckets all summer
and the next year flood irrigated
we were on a hill and I had to dig a trench between the trees to gravity feed the trees the golfers were nuts
This was in 1978 they just came out with drip line
And my dad wouldn't buy any
I have very long arms
Hey man I'm just here cause I live in New Jersey to. I'm trying to find out where you get your whole sale stater plugs and where you get your bare root trees from. If that's not to much to ask
Hi joe from jersey. Would like to know what type and name of fruit trees your planting. This would help me to not get the wrong ones. Keep up the great channel.
Hello, I want to plant some citrus fruit trees. Would you suggest 5 gallon or 15 gallon? And what type of soil is best?