March 17, 2025

VIDEO: Planting Out The Indoor Garden & Talking About Grow lights and Proper Soil

We are planting out the indoor square foot garden today, talking about the right type of soil, and having the right type lights. I will also share some tricks to spacing your crops to make sure everything fits and using space effectively to maximize production.
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29 thoughts on “VIDEO: Planting Out The Indoor Garden & Talking About Grow lights and Proper Soil

  1. I want to thank you for breaking down what an 8 bulb T5 fixture is. I would have never figured out it was a fixture with 8 T5 bulbs. Stuff like that is way over my head.

  2. I'm in Indiana an I'm starting a market garden I don't have a green house yet an was wondering should I start pepper plants an tomato plants now or wait till march?

  3. Your recipe for seed starting mix has evolved. Care to elaborate on what you’ve learned and why you are currently using the recipe you mentioned in this video (if not using pro-Mix)?

  4. Hello. Great channel. I have used Pro Mix. Love it. I was wondering though, did you label your areas or did you take photos ? I do know that some beginners would possibly loose track of plants. You are great. I love gardening and greenhouse projects. I learn something every time I watch one of your videos. You are going to go far.

  5. Love all the info in your videos. Would love to see some on what crop is good to place together in the same growing beds with the high intensity gardening. I have always planted in the traditional way, but my house is in the process of being sold and I am not sure when I will be able to have a regular garden again so I want to container plant this year. Some of the containers I have are very large if you could give some idea of how to plant them. Thank You.

  6. Its honestly about 20000 hours they tell you half that convince you to buy them more often. Not needed. But still there as an marketing sway they want you to buy more. And honestly the best if nectar Collector just its super expensive as of 22+ an bag and only makes 15 gallons an bag sadly but its the best sadly but i love promix stuffs amazing for plants!

  7. Luke, I use two shop lights parallel spaced about 4 inches apart and those do a GR8 job of starting seeds indoors on minimal power. The T-12 bulbs last more than a year and I use them year round to keep lettuce plants indoors when its too hot/cold outside. The bulbs I use are 6500K and are being phased out by LED, Lowes no longer has the T-12 in a color suitable for plant growth (ordered a 10-pack from Amazon). LED is just too expensive for bedding plants, I did get a HPS HID light last year and WOW its amazing but puts out some real heat.. I run my timer 16 hours to prevent leggy plants, the timer is very important for success. The best soil I have used is Espoma seed starter mix, it has some mycorrhizae to stimulate root growth and guard against fungus gnats (a little expensive but effective).

  8. Sorry if you’ve already answered this before but I’ve been seeing that you have to “pasteurize” starting soil by putting starting soil in boiling water to kill off mold or fungus eggs?
    Is this true??

  9. I'm still using my four-bulb florescent light fixtures and install new, full spectrum florescent bulbs every year. I learned it from an Ag class at the Univ of Wis a few years ago. I haven't changed as they do a great job on my thousands of seedlings. At the end of each year, the used bulbs go out to hubby's shop and garage. Nice video, thanks Luke. 🙂

  10. Hi ! love your shows, I buy your seeds and I love the worm castings and fertilizer you sell etc. IEvery year I start my seeds indoor and have to start with new fresh medium, I was wondering if you place new soil medium in every year and how do you control any fungus gnats that seem to make their way into the growing medium?

  11. Hey Luke, in curious about your thoughts about 4 versus 8 bulb fixtures. I have a tray that is 42 by 27 to start my seedlings indoors. Im looking at a new light fixture and I'm wondering whether I have to go with the wider 8 bulb(27") fixture, or if the 4(13") bulb fixture would work just as well. I'd appreciate any input you may have. Thank you!

  12. i managed to buy a .5cu yrd of compost w/ castings and it actually smells super good haha, like rich early. Gave me chills thinking about coming from forest.

  13. Luke. Where do you have nutrients in this composition. Shouldn't you use 1 part organic compost. And doesnt coir/peat moss serve the same purpose of making soil porous. and vermiculite/perlite serve same purpose of holding nutrients.

  14. I just started trying to grow things indoors and seed starting last winter. The soppiness was my problem I found out. I had bought potting mix and seed starting mix (can't remember the brand). When I figured out I had a too much water problem, I mixed my own with compost, composted wood chips (instead of peat), and sifted soil. Seams to be working well.

  15. Curious, why don't you start your indoor garden from seed in pods? It seems like planting directly from seed in an indoor garden is taking on a lot of risk should your seeds, for whatever reason, not sprout. Since you're much more limited on space indoors, I would have thought you would want to minimize that risk. (disclaimer: I'm just getting into gardening and have been binging on your videos, so if this is a dumb question, sorry. I'll chalk it up to being a beginner.)

  16. Luke, can you comment on the bulb light spectrum you use? Or is there another video that talks about that? I would use it mostly for starting plants indoors until they are large enough to start setting out. I’m looking at replacing some T5HO bulbs and wonder if I should get 4100, broad spectrum, or 6500. Thanks.

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