It’s been a while since we’ve been up to the plot. A trip that produced a few unwelcome surprises. We also made a start on planting out the garlic cloves.
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#howtoplantgarlic #growgarliceasy
Two things bud… 1) next war rent those feet out to the navy… They can land aircraft on them…lol. 2) what's the size of that shed you're loosing? In feet if you don't mind.
Hi the lady from SA again wish we had the seed you have. Around this place eveything flops like the country lol. Hope you have a great garlic harvest again this year.
The art of editing beautifully cut. It's too wet on my plot went down today to mend those tears in the poly before tonight's forecast rips them further. Thumbs up Adam keep em rolling. Mike B
Nice job done on the garlic. Hate to see your neighbors damage and your shed falling apart. Hope you have a great week!
i plant my garlic about 3-4cm deep, then they dont flop over so easily
I don't think that was a fat robin, I think a dragon used that fruit cage as a hammock!
Hi Adam, an excellently edited video even in rough weather. Glad you’ve got your garlic in. Shame about the shed and your neighbour’s fruit cage. Take care. Nick
At least 2 months until garlic planting here in East Coast Canada – but they soon catch up.
Hello, Just found your lovely channel I've subbed you up, I have one too its based on my allotment, would be great if you could check it out and sub me up if you haven't done so already. Take Care Claire
Hi Adam, I do fall garlic in my zone 7 garden, it went in the ground in October. I've never done Elephant garlic, I just use my own cloves year after year now, but I may have to buy an Elephant garlic just to try one. We just had 28 hours of snow, it left behind about 10 inches, but it was lite and fluffy as it was so cold, about 26 degrees F. Your allotment looked good for not having been there since fall. Happy Gardening! Catherine
Great to see you back on the plot. Poor old shed looks knackered.
Hovering around -2*C all day. Shovelled 2" snow this pm, another 2" down at 8pm (12 midnight UK). BUT, we did have +15*C a few days ago when you guys were freezing your a##es off!
A few years ago we had +34*C in early March, but maybe 30 years ago we had -31*C in March. Skiing can be poor here in July/August. Gotta lurve our weather.
Whoa… did someone get a new pair of gloves for Christmas? A matching pair this time! Cracking video once again mate, nice to see you back on the allotment. When you opened the door to walk into the shed for the first time since October, I for one was surprised that the batteries were still running in the camera, I have to find me one of those. Good luck with the garlic my friend, I've never grown elephant garlic because it's so damn expensive to buy over here. You are underway to rapturous applause from this side of the world
Good luck with the garlic Adam.
Can't say that I'm a lover of garlic but I wish you luck with yours. Dave.
Very well done 1:03 with the coat. Have a great day. Best wishes Bob.
Hi, thanks for the video, bit of repair to do should be fine, it's in better condition than mine .
Great video
what a lovely walk to your plot going though the woods… That reminds me I have some more garlic to plant.
Again another great video Adam. I need a boat to get on my plot at the minute. Good luck with the garlic.
Love the camera angles and magic tricks. What did you sprinkle in to your holes? Just compost or feed? all the best Matt
Hi, I'm new to all this and have watched through hundreds of vids, I just wanted to say that how great your vids are. Simple easy to follow and straight to the point, so thank you I'm learning (ALLOTment) HAHA. all the best with the shed.
good day to you Adam !! the plot stud up well considering you've not been up there since october !! great job planting the garlic !!
£2.99 for seed garlic wtf we're being robbed here at $30!!! Its a nice allotment site you have there even in the wind. Hope the shed makes it!
Great to see you back Adam, As for your shed, at least its still standing lol. Looking forward to your 2018 season. great video mate.
Its great to get the garlic in it really marks the beginning of the year.
Hey Adam, adding the music is a nice touch…. new boots too?? Best of luck on your garlic..T