A quick run through on a summer evening of chores and then off to date night!
VIDEO: Homestead Chores and Datenight in the Arkansas Heat! June 2017
A quick run through on a summer evening of chores and then off to date night!
The best gardening & homesteading channels on Youtube
You guys are just wonderful. I'm glad you made a date night video. Jess, I didn't know your hair was naturally this curly after seeing your new videos. It's so beautiful.
Your beauty matches your spirit and exuberance……you make me smile frequently and for this old guy, that is not a frequent occurrence….so God bless you and your family…..Miah….you too of course…..
I can see how much your garden skills have grown over the years.
4000 degrees and you were giving poor Ben a hard time about 400 degree, lol
Baby Jess
This is a question to the both of you. Do you have troubles with ticks? Have you been able to control the tick population? Do you think chickens would work? It's scary enough to us to wonder if living in Arkansas is worth it. Has it ever caused you to question it or do the benefits outweigh the risk of limes disease, etc? Thank you, Daniel
Guy's yiu know the fortune cookie thing was supposed embed not in bed so it was always a clean versiin. So.e man heard it and was confused. You embed your fortune.
Wear your hair pulled back when it is that hot out!
Aw that's cute. Strange watching this in 2020, you guys are just driving and going wherever. Like whoa that's right that used to be a thing! Great to know couple years later you're still going strong! Are you still good about date night?
Re-watching old videos, so cool! And the makeup is gorgeous, Jess!
I always have a hard time deciding what to eat too haha. So many choices haha.
Don’t water from overhead!!! It’s costly.
WOW! His fortune was right! Success was near!
Success is near, on the farm. AND LOOK AT HOW FAR YOUVE COME! <3
Well, well. Looky what YouTube recommended for me to watch. Look at how far you have come.
Bide your time for success is near… on the farm. When a fortune cookie is right!
Its so sweet that your fortune cookies are coming to fruition – on the farm!
I remember watching this as a new follower of your channel!!
Awww you to are just so adorable!!! I love this video
Your channel was recently recommended to me by a friend. She posted a garden tour on Facebook; I asked for resources for beginners, and she referenced your channel! (Her garden is breathtaking, so huge props to you!!!) I’m pleasantly surprised to find out you’re located in Arkansas!! My family and I currently live in Bentonville, but we have land in Elkins and plan to move out there in another year or so. Thank you for sharing your knowledge and way of life – it has already been so helpful to see how others do farm life!
I love to see how you two love each other it’s so beautiful may God bless your love for each other always