Last spring, we planted seed potatoes using the Ruth Stout Method. Here are our results (from planting to harvesting) without any digging, fertilizing, watering, or weeding!
The Ruth Stout Method of Permaculture
Planting Potatoes in a Ruth Stout Permaculture Garden (QUICK and EASY)
Did You Know That Potato Plants Have Fruit?!
Thank you. Another fine example of how much we can still learn from a dead woman! She was truly brilliant!!
Very interesting video!
Delighted to watch!
How would you go about doing this method in tubs? Would you need a small compost or soil layer first then potatoes and straw or grass clippings? And do you layer potatoes in a tub or just one layer? And finally,should i water them after ive planted them and how often please?
The problem with your onions may be that you planted sets instead of seeds
Tried planting in this method. With the changing weather patterns we routinely get excessive rain. It was a rotting slug haven. Very disappointing – I will try again.
Would you please tell me how you protect your garden from deer?
I tried planting the potatoes in my chicken coop and it worked really well and the poo from the chickens fertelised the potatoes
I was told to not cut the potatoes because your potatoes will yield smaller potatoes.
No watering huh? How did all the grass around there stay green? Why under the leaves it looks so wet? I bet it rains a lot where you are. Here it can go 3 months no rain and over 100 degrees.
potato fruits contain high amount of solanine which is poisonous so keep out of reach by kiddos. thanks for sharing your video.
Leads to mice problem, if You “no dig”, they “no dig”
have you tried ginger under hay?
How'd you keep the bugs and potato beetles at Bay?
Has no-one told you that you aren't supposed to walk on no-dig beds, especially when wet. This destroys soil structure.
Interesting. Finding spoiled hay can be a challenge around my parts, at least in small squares. Large rounds are easy enough but handling those are a challenge.
I dig it.
Congrats on a successful harvest! hope i can do the same when I get started.
Hi you say no water but I noted you had snow and probably rain. I think I would have to water a little if we dont get rain. Do you agree
are slugs an issue?
I live in Michigan. I don't know if it's by chance, but my first two years of growing potatoes traditionally, in the ground, I also had to do battle with the Colorado potato beetle and its larva. They were everywhere!! Once I went to growing my potatoes in/on the dirt, but covered with two feet of compact straw, I never had a problem with Colorado potato beetles again, and it has been at least 13 years of no beetles!

So, growing potatoes covered with thick straw, heavy enough to block out all sunlight, gives me…. No watering. No hilling. No weeding. No bugging!!
PS: Over the years, I have had many potato crops that bore "potato fruit".
How does one achieve "spoiled" hay?
How much hay do you pile over the potatoes after initially planting?
A very Pro presentation.
So much spoiled Hay to be had !!!!!!
I am envious as here in Israel a non-spoiled Bale costs around $30 [backdrops for Weddings and such have shot prices up] and spoiled Hay is not so easy to get one's hands on.
I have had success in planting Potato peelings… eat the flesh and regrow from the throw away/recycled portion.
Where do you get spoiled hay?
Oh I loved when my parents would harvest potatoes. They would plant 5 acres every year. We’d feast on new potatoes. So good!
Thank you for this video! We just planted potatoes with this method and I can't wait till harvest time!