March 25, 2025

VIDEO: Do I Work Like A Man?

Do I Work Like A Man? Let’s chat that up. SEE MORE BELOW

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27 thoughts on “VIDEO: Do I Work Like A Man?

  1. amen –the bible calls the woman a "helpmeet" to her husband be it up on a roof helping him, running a tiller to help him or anything to help him…..lazy women who are ones sided selfish, all about me bla bla bla were not raised to have good work qualities nor could they even know what the word="helpmeet" means —so spend $50.00 on a tube of lipstick while you let your family go hungry—-God bless.

  2. Beautifully said. I have never married (not in God's plans for me yet), and therefore do everything myself. Sometimes the best clothes for the job, look like men's clothing, and sometimes they look very feminine, depending on what the job is. My feeling is, if you think I shouldn't be doing whatever it is, come do it for me. I will gladly give up changing tires and oil changes on the car, and making a little extra noise trying to get that shower head to come off to replace it, and standing precariously on a ladder on top of a chair to get to that light bulb because I am not only a woman, but short also. Or dragging in 50 lb sacks of potatoes, snow melt, etc. Or shoveling out of the home, (climbing out the window because the snow is blocking the door and I can't physically push the door open) shoveling the driveway, etc to get to work on time at 5 in the morning when your sorry behind is still in the bed. You do whatever it is to make a house a home, and a farm the source of your food. You go girl!

  3. 1st time I saw your ears without your ear rings. I am the same way with the clothes. There is no way that I will dig in the garden in a dress, or wear pants in the garden and then change into a dress to go to the store. Our pastor preaches all the time about women and how they should dress. This gal wears what she needs to wear.

  4. I’m gonna assume whoever said that to you thinks all stay at home wives and mothers should be like an I Love Lucy episode. People forget just how much work had to be done before all the modern conveniences came out. You had to do pre work just to get to the work. Imagine biblical days. Gotta plant and grow the grain, then harvest the grain, then grind the grain, then FINALLY you could make the bread. And women do all the work because in order for one to stay at home, the hubster has to be working a job and bringing in some money, unless the farm sustains 100 percent. People can be so ignorant. My husband is a construction foreman, is gone doing manual labor from 7-7 everyday, and then he does side jobs every weekend. He doesn’t lift a finger at home, not because he wouldn’t if I asked, but because I let him rest. We women, we mothers, we wives, well……there’s no rest for the weary. ITS WHAT THE BIBLE CALLS LONGSUFFERING. REJOICE IN ALL THINGS YOU DO!

  5. My daddy taught me to sew and cook. He made my mama's curtains and she was proud of them.She said he sewed better than her because he once made men's suits. He was about the most manly man you'd ever meet. Work is work. You're a strong woman and it sounds like that makes some folks jealous.

  6. LOL boy my husband sure is gonna be happy to find out that he has to start wearing purple overalls and chicken sloggers cuz that's how men dress. You know we love you and whoever said that obviously didn't grow up the way we did. My Mama and Nanny hoed cotton right there with my Grandaddy, and when my sister and I come along we were right out there with him picking whatever his market crop was at the time.

  7. You tell em girl !!! We as women do what we must do, no matter what it is , to get the job done for our children and our family . You did awesome explaining that fact . Keep up the AWESOME work !!!

  8. Your marriage sounds similar to mine, but my husband has NEVER called me on the way home from work to ask what chores still need to be done. LOL However, he works circles around me on his days off and enjoys working together to make this farm better. Our family and community are full of people who farm into their 80's and even 90's. They're sharp as a tack, and live a long healthy life because they kept active. I come from a long line of women who lived well into their mid 90's "working like a man" and will probably be on this side of the dirt much longer than those who critique this lifestyle.

  9. People don't understand that this is what family does man and woman help each other that's why your marriage has lasted I was married 35 years when I lost my husband there was no women men dutys u are doing a great job

  10. I am a underground miner..a homesteader…and a woman! My thought to a male saying that would be…more man than you will ever be and more woman than you could ever have……and if it's a woman….you just wish you could be me. Now today's society makes me think that way but the TRUE reality is that it's our way of life…it's our passion it's just simply the life we love and Yes we roll up our sleeves and get the job done….so Patara ….go on girl do your thing and teach your children to be self sufficient ….your east Tennessee neighbor.

  11. I say no. We work like a woman. This person knows nothing of how humans got where we are. Throughout history women have tended the home with its gardens and livestock. Woman have donned their husbands britches or tucked up their skirts and worked along side or without their men. Predators didn't wait around for a man to kill it. Hungry bellies had to be filled and the women didn't fall short of doing that. "Even "as they birthed their babies. Too much tv has this person thinking women should be in heels and makeup waiting to be rescued.

  12. That's normal for every single Farm wife and daughter, woman and child in the world. And AMEN to your answer's Sweetheart, Love is sent your way to you and your Family and Friends!!!

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