March 4, 2025

23 thoughts on “VIDEO: Mushroom Update

  1. Adam, very interesting. I was wondering how this was going to work for you. Could you possibly put it on top of your refrigerator? to get the warmth from the motor. Or perhaps near a sunny window? Have you ever thought of being a "reader" in the children's library? I enjoyed that so much. Thanks for the laugh. But, then again, I get excited over going to pick worms up from the post office in snow storm. Happy Valentine's Day. Catherine

  2. When I was at Helsinki University there were experiments done to observe the effects of motion and touching on the growth and development of plants. There were table that shook, there were fans that blew, and there were motorised baffles that moved over the plants and touched them, then there was a control room where the plants were just left alone… those ones became leggy and straggly whereas shaking or blowing or touching produced shorter sturdier plants. Something to do with the interstitial cell development between nodes. The interesting bit was survival rates when transplanting the seedings out in the field. Mortality rates were the highest with the leggy plants. So there you are you old tree hugger you.

  3. Mushrooms look to be working so far. Yes Sir I talk to my plants all the time and they have the radio on while I am out in the garden. We just chat and jam out together. Yeah I am nuts I know but hey I is what I is buddy! That sounds like a really good book. Look forward to your next teaching from it. Thanks for sharing with us!

  4. I would like to think that I am a deranged visionary – so I should talk to my plants more often.  I think I'll also start fondling my foliage while treating them to my favourite version of Beethoven's Symphony No 9, final (choral) movement: "Ode to Joy".  I may try stopping pi$$ing on my plants too.  Lol !!!

  5. It will need to fully colonize put it on top of the fridge if you can. I have grown a few myself. we also collect wild. Got here because of the Brussels challenge. I like my wife to talk to the plant she can talk a glass eye to sleep 😉 🙁 shes stood behind me Arrgh ……. Interesting book.

  6. Awesome ending, lol, cat arse in the face!! Your mushrooms sure seem to be liking their new home. How long will they produce for? That looked like a great book, interesting 1 page topics. Can't lie, I have tried the diluted pee, but I am not brave enough to try it on leafy greens, lol! Have a great day my friend:))

  7. Oh boy… You got a new nickname… Hiya FLuffy!!! lmao I don't know if you know. But urine right out of the "hose" is a antiseptic. If it sits around for longer than a few hours it begins the breakdown & becomes ammonia laced. I'm not expert. But I'm not sure either would be a boon in the garden. If you want…U of Maine has vid's on "worm farming" in small spaces. Like a Styrofoam cooler small. I can pass them on to you. Hey thanx for the vid Fluffy… Until next time.

  8. AGH should be given a weeks stint on Jackanory (is it still going?) if you ask me. Them muggy's will be better than you think. I reckon more mould will appear over the coming days and a nice steak will have to be purchased as a secondary accompaniment to the mushrooms themselves. Research has show that men's pee certainly helps with composting, but pouring it directly on veggies? Ugh! -William

  9. Well, not sure about talking to your plants mate but, on the plus side they can't moan at you when you don't make their bed properly !!!! I do remember that people used to play classic music to plants in greenhouses, no never tried it either. Went to plot yesterday and checked it, it all looks ok. I have just taken on one next to ours! It was split last year as it was too big for our elderly neighbour, which still proved too much. So rather than let it over grow, I cleared it up when I did ours and now I have taken it on. Now all I have to do is tell Jen!!!!! On the plus side it does give us a second shed. I have never tried mushrooms so watching your try with baited breath. Well keep the good work up mate, looking forward to the next one. Roger n Jen.

  10. Hey Adam, nice update on the mushroom, looks like it's working.. I think I want to try this… Ha ha ha plant whisperers 😉 ROTF… try touching them.. and you looking into the camera like that…. oh my goodness… Ok yuck on tasting the soil and peeing on them too. I do and always have talked to my plants though.. TFS T

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