March 29, 2025

VIDEO: The Urban Sugarbush ep1

Tapping maple trees and reconnecting ourselves to the simplicity of life.
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26 thoughts on “VIDEO: The Urban Sugarbush ep1

  1. Omg I love this new format!! No words…completely understood it…great music…Wow. Very awesome, Luke. And your whole foods diet is really looking good on you. Thanks for sharing this. I love it.

  2. Good on you for trying out a different format; it seems like I'm not the only one who thinks that either looking at all the comments. As possible advice for a stylistic decision, I think it might be even cooler if you were to mute camera audio for all parts before reaching outside. It would make for the cool effect of all the sounds of your work outdoors to really come to life and be further emphasized. It's your work though, so do whatever in the end makes you happy man. Otherwise It's really cool that your are trying out this kind of stuff, and best of luck continuing to reach for new creative styles.

  3. Favorite video yet. Love the music with no talking. Obviously, this can't always work, but it works here! We tapped our trees here in Michigan, last night. Love that even though the trees look dead, LIFE is flowing and spring is just around the corner!!

  4. Two hours before you posted this video, I tapped my first two maple trees. That’s crazy! I put two taps in a 25’ diameter maple and one in 14’ diameter. The 14’ is by far out producing the larger one. Do you know why this is.

  5. Soooooo that's not Maple :). Can you share more about that whole tree tapping….like what kind of syrup/sap is that. What does it taste like and what is the yeild. Love the video format .
    Thank you Luke

  6. it was nice but I like you talking you give alot of good info when you talk it felt a little impersonal it was a cool video but not informative, that's why I watch your videos over others, but yeah whatever makes you happy, but if your trying to teach might work for some not all I didn't even know you can tap more then one tree and how far apart? but it was cool

  7. We have done this in our back yard ! We live in Manitoba and used our Manitoba Maple trees. I will tell you it was well worth the trouble! Nothing tastes better than 100% real maple syrup 🙂
    I would love to try this with birch trees.

  8. Liking that you are approaching for video editing style in a new way.
    And also, thank you for all you and the Mrs do to bring new information and dispel outdated or false information about home growing.

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