This video demonstrates the 3 key considerations when it comes top pruning Blackcurrants. You should aim to take out a third of the growth (which should be the oldest), take out any horizontal branches and also clear away the weakest growth of crossing branches. If you are new to pruning then starting with Blackcurrants is perfect because they are so tough and hardy you needn’t worry about killing the bush or severely damaging the shape.
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My name is Huw Richards, I live in Wales, UK and I am a teenager who loves vegetable gardening. Unusual right? I love to teach people around the world about growing their own food organically and my end goal is to get as many children as possible to have the experience of growing food which I believe is one of the most important things a child could learn. If you’re new to HuwsNursery then please hit that subscribe button (and also notifications) so you can learn more about growing your own food inexpensively
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Thanks Huw, because of you I planted 10 more currant bushes from my own plants and got a different variety from my friend. Can you do a video about more of these free and easy cutting and clipping garden techniques?
Hi, thanks for the videos. I have put blackcurrant cuttings in my garden several months ago as you showed and they now have some leaves on them, what I wish to know is when will they be rooted enough to dig up and transplant into a pot or to move them to a permanent site in the garden?
Hi Buddy I appreciate you may have good reason but could you answer my question regard the potting on of these cuttings I asked two days ago?
Top man.
Very helpful…thank you..!
Thank you. Very helpful.
Thanks for this…it was helpful.
Glad to see you have suggested using the pruning as hardwood cuttings it is a great way of expanding production of berries
Hi Huw thanks for the video. I've just got blackcurrant bushes this yr. How old are the thick stick u cut? I'm new to all this. Thanks again
Great advice, thank you.
Excellent, thank you!! Super efficient
Love the gorilla gardening. ace thanks
Good tip with the cut cains. I like that
are red current prunned at the same time in the same manner too? taking out old material when the plant is dormant ?
Awesome tutorial dude!!
very informative. Thank you
What about if you have a new shoot starting halfway up an old stem? Should you still remove the old stem?
I planted mine in a bank, i opened a current account.
Well-made and helpful video. Thank you!
Thanks for the tips! I have one sad looking plant who is around 5 years old and not producing anything. It's kinda stunted looking too. I will be propagating some more using the cuttings.
Can anyone advise please. Will a plant survive ‘over pruning’ some local goats got in and gave their version of a thinning out. All stems are chewed so I’ve had to tidy it up.
Will they come back next year? The bushes, not the goats. Thanks.
Thanks Huw. I have just taken over an allotment that has old blackcurrent bushes on it that haven't been tended for years. I'll follow your easy steps and your excellent suggestion of reusing the cuttings!
Thanks so much from Sweden, for a good video. Does guierrilla tactics work with red currant as well – do they grow roots from old branches?
can you please show how to prune year 1 , 2 , 3 and 4th year blackcurrent
Thank you!
What about the length?
Mine have grown very high.
I read somewhere that 1.50 m is de max?
We tore our black currant bushes out this afternoon. It had been 4 years and never bore fruit. So frustrating!!
yes great idea about putting cuttings in hedegrow! i will deffo do that