Today I go over some issues that fruit trees have. I hope the information I share with you brings you closer to food freedom, and jumpstarts your food forest or garden.
My Secret RARE Fruit Tree, PERSIMMONS!!
I live in south east nebraska and want to plat 2 apple trees were I hunt deer. What apple trees shall I buy? They will be mainly food for deer.
Looks like your plum tree has bacterial canker. We had a plum tree with canker that still produced very well. That is, until it got brown rot. We were renting at the time, and moved right after that, but the tree was at least 15 feet tall and gave us a lot of fruit.
Before you pull it, read this. I just picked this article quickly but there is a lot of info out there about this disease and how to treat it. Very sorry to hear about your trees.
Also, the twisted roots can happen when you backfill the planting hole with compost instead of native soil. The tree becomes used to that soil and, instead of sending out roots deeply, the roots circle around and stay in the composted hole. Hate seeing you have to remove trees, but sometimes it's the best way.
Love your farming tips ♡
Buying land in Belize to start a 7 layer food forest. This channel has been so helpful brother. You have no idea. God bless <3
That tree is Sick guy cut it down and Burn it.
Awesome information James.. I'm looking to start some acreage orchards soon. this was very helpful.
I get 3 years growth in a year on my fruit tree's, they came bare rooted and were planted in 15 inch pots for 2 years before I planted them in the ground!
The reason for the fast growth is fresh urine once or twice a week, I stop feeding a month before picking the fruit!
U r so right u get what u pay for as the old saying goes
Awesome video James, thanks for sharing. As sorry as you must be to lose the tree, it makes sense that it's best to know when to cut your losses. Throwing more good time/money toward fixing this problem is probably not as good as just planting something else that will grow really well.
Thanks for sharing with us not only the successes but also the mistakes, which make good lessons!
Hi James, Push and encourage me you did!
After seeing this video I got searching for my bare root trees. Found a limited supply for non commercial growers ( I am in Canada) and many trees that sold out by now. I sat searching all night and half of today (from the moment I finished watching this video) determined to get my trees ordered; what I wanted, from reputable nurseries that give good service. It seems like I found one and it is done, yay! They will ship to me on April 23rd. It wasn't easy. It was even confusing. Having to make up my mind and take courage to trust my choices and the whole process. To forget about buying a mature tree in a pot for the same price as I get a stick in the mail. Some are going to be only 3 feet tall! Never ordered bare root trees before. I am following your every video. Thank you!
Nothing wrong with buying potted trees when dormant and then barerooting them when you get it home. Just wash the soil off all the roots and then plant.
Good afternoon !
I would like to know: You can when you make a can of walnut, hazelnut, almond donate me a branch so I can make a sapling of tree.?
Thank you !
Thank you James. This being my first year with fruit trees I did my homework and wennt with bare roots from an established grower with a pristene rep. Been a bit worried about these very cold nocs though. I've covered my lemon and tangerine trees..they are first yearlings..nought looking great but we'll see in the spring how they do. Thank you for all you do..
Hey James, I watched your video twice but I didn't hear which nursery you get your bare roots from. Could you pass over the name?
good day to you James !! thanks for taking the time in showing the trouble you've been having with your fruit tree !!
Great video! What sites do you order your fruit trees from?
My friends those big roots are not for pulling water and nutrition out of the ground they are for supportting the three. The small roots are for pulling water from the ground
James, Love your videos. Your place looks great. Do you have a "go to" source for your trees and berries? Chris
Just ordered two bare root crimson rocket peach trees ! Inspired by the food forest !!
Very informative.
CAN I COME GET THOSE TWO TREES YOU DUG UP? I live in Middletown but I'm in your area all the time. I plant fruit trees all over my neighborhood and have plenty of experience in rehabbing root bound fruit trees
where do you source your trees these days? I am looking forward to growing cherries peaches apples and berries but like you said it is crucial to start with proper plants that aren't root bound and the big box stores seem to be stuck in the stone ages with their practices.
Can you make a playlist of your series and your harvest per year?
Hey James!! I was just going thru rewatching all your videos from the start and I saw that triple grafted apple tree and I wondered to myself what ever happened to it. So I'm happy you showed us in this video! Thank you!
Jenn Stone
Seven Sprouts Farmstead
Thanks for sage advice. I will definitely be more diligent about a few things. Great that you dug up bad rooted tree, vivid lesson.
bare root….got it
James, you are a book of knowledge. Thank you..