March 19, 2025

VIDEO: Why is My Tree Dropping Fruit & How to Stop Fruit Drop

People often wonder why their fruit tree has dropped or shed fruit before they get a chance to ripen! In this video, I explain 4 reasons why fruit trees drop fruit and how we can prevent it from happening. Enjoy!

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Self Sufficient Me is based on our small 3-acre property/homestead in SE Queensland Australia about 45kms north of Brisbane – the climate is subtropical (similar to Florida). I started Self Sufficient Me in 2011 as a blog website project where I document and write about backyard food growing, self-sufficiency, and urban farming in general. I love sharing my foodie and DIY adventures online so come along with me and let’s get into it! Cheers, Mark 🙂

27 thoughts on “VIDEO: Why is My Tree Dropping Fruit & How to Stop Fruit Drop

  1. hi Mark, i am planting oranges for immature fruits in medicinal use. Any suggestions to make small fruits to drop all at a time for fast harvesting. Thank you!

  2. Sir My Dates Tree drops All The Flowers Before Growing Into Dates.
    This is happeing from 3 years
    Please Tell why Is This Happeing Why The Dates Flowers Are not Converted into Dates
    And Waiting For Your Reply

  3. I read all the material during the first night in this PE treatment and began putting the concepts to action. I had enhancements quickly at first, going from less than five minutes initially, to now, a month later, almost Twenty minutes of fully fulfilling sεxual intercourse. I am not sure it would work for you, but you can get the pe guide on Google. It calls Thomas Camonρez
    Good luck

  4. We have had a mandarin orange (tangerine) fruit tree here in So California for the last ten years. We lose fruit on the tree if we get bad storm with a lot of wind after the fruit has set. This particular tree has always had a fruit drop issue, unlike our other citrus trees.

  5. Great presentation. My apricot tree produced wonderful fruit 1 st year, second year the fruit was turning orange colour and now it has rot in the fruit. It also didn’t produce as much fruit this year compared to last year. Any tips ?

  6. Thanks our Cara Cara orange tree puts out hundreds and hundreds of blossoms then they start to turn into the tiny green oranges, about 1/4 inch, some make it to about 1/2 inch, then they start dropping.
    What am I doing wrong.

  7. Great info and now i know why…….imperial mandarin has dropped 4 fruit as they turning orange.(in pot)… i have fed slow release troforte ….put some mulch on it and will water more frequently…..thanks……your vids are always great.

  8. Hopefully I can help0 my avocado tree because we live in the South end of the San Joaquin Valley in California and we are in the middle of another draught in 6/27/21.

  9. Im leasing a home with a peach tree in back yard. The tree has been totally neglected! I don't know why someone would own a home with a peach tree if they were not going to take care of it. But that aside, we have been here three years, and this year is the first season to even have decent peaches (almost decent). There are, what looks like bruses all over the peaches, still on the tree. It has not been taken care of in any way. We are in California San Juaquin Valley-very hot summers. What we have picked taste okay, not real sweet, but eatable.
    Can you tell me what the "bruse spots" are, and should we eat them…
    Thank you for your program, I have gain so much from it.

  10. I’ve come to realize nature is always right and I think that probably dropping a group that has pests On the ground is probably the best even though most garden channels will say get it out of the garden… I’m just thinking because that’s how mother nature does it and I’m thinking why… And I’m thinking it will attract pests to that rotting fruit and leave the ones on the tree alone

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