Happy First Day of Spring! Join me LIVE as I share 3 tips to get your garden ready for spring! I’ll also be answering your questions LIVE – so get them ready!
CALIKIM SEED COLLECTIONS: https://calikimgardenandhome.com
SUPPORT MY CHANNEL when you shop through the following links – It helps keep the garden content coming – much appreciated!
-Worm Castings, Worm Tea: https://vermisterra.com, (10% off with promo code “calikim” at checkout).
-Seed starting supplies: http://amzn.to/2BVDrXV
-Garden fertilizers: http://amzn.to/2F7SCPF
-Garden disease and pest control: http://amzn.to/2BWSEIo
-Grow Lights: http://amzn.to/2CO6iKs
-Garden Tools: http://amzn.to/2CLiVGj
-Amazon lawn & garden supplies: http://amzn.to/2EX4zIF
-Amazon general search page (bookmark this one!): http://amzn.to/2F26zeZ
-small peat pellets: http://amzn.to/2BShllv
-large (3 inch) peat pellets: http://amzn.to/2ftggYR
Clip light set up:
-CFL Light Bulb, 4-Pack, 1600 Lumens, 6500K:: http://amzn.to/2DkUfor
-8.5” Clamp Light: http://amzn.to/28WykV4
-Smart Pots: http://amzn.to/2c9KTEk
Frost Date Calculator by Zip Code: http://www.almanac.com/gardening/frostdates/zipcode/90001
Starting Seeds Indoors for Your Spring Garden: http://bit.ly/calikimseedstarting
How to grow Lots of Lettuce: http://bit.ly/calikimlettucelots
How to Grow Peas: http://bit.ly/calikimpeas
How to Grow Kale: http://bit.ly/calikimkale
-eBook “Growing 5 Warm Weather Vegetables Made Easy”
-Garden Coloring Book
SUBSCRIBE: https://www.youtube.com/user/CaliKim29
Instagram: http://instagram.com/calikim29
Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/CaliKimGardenandHomeDIY/
Gardening Coast2Coast Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/gardeningcoast2coast/
Pinterest: http://www.pinterest.com/CaliKim29/
FOR BUSINESS INQUIRIES: calikim@calikimgardenandhome.com
CaliKim Seed Collections: https://calikimgardenandhome.com Support my channel when you
Seed starting supplies: http://amzn.to/2BVDrXV shop through these links –
Garden fertilizers: http://amzn.to/2F7SCPF It helps keep the garden content coming!
Garden disease & pest control: http://amzn.to/2BWSEIo Much appreciated -Kim
Grow Lights: http://amzn.to/2CO6iKs
Garden Tools: http://amzn.to/2CLiVGj
Amazon lawn & garden supplies: http://amzn.to/2EX4zIF
Amazon general search page (bookmark this one!): http://amzn.to/2F26zeZ
-small peat pellets: http://amzn.to/2BShllv
-large (3 inch) peat pellets: http://amzn.to/2ftggYR
Worm Castings, Worm Tea: https://vermisterra.com, (10% off with promo code “calikim” at checkout).
Let me know how your spring garden is coming along! Thanks for watching!
Hi kim! I’m here in SoCal also! I grew sugar snap peas a few weeks ago and they are a few inches now. I’m so excited!
The Rustic Gardener has a seed packet called Beneficial Bees and Butterflies mix. It's a big package and I can't wait until I can plant mine!
Yeah. Pretty much anyone can be an expert gardener in southern CA.
Fantastic video! Ugggg snow, lol still here
Snowing in mn but my peppers are growing fabulously under lights in the extra large peat pellets that you recommended
Enjoyed watching your video on this st day of spring, while we have snow in Maryland
kim love your live stream i learned a lote looking ford to more
all my plants are all ready out in the garden my pepper and my tomatoes are out my 2 black berrys and my 3 rasberys too and my two blueberry bushes
Michigan still in20" s 30's
I'll get my seeds going indoors in a couple weeks.
Sorry I missed the live stream, I wanted to ask when to start fertilizing seedlings. I have a pepper seedling that's just started growing its first true leaves and I think now is the time to start feeding at quarter strength but I'd appreciate some advice from anyone thanks!
We bought a rotor tiller! I think that's the name… I'm ready to start my yard and garden!
Hi Kim I woke up to snow in Virginia today! Your videos have helped me get me over the winter blues! Sending you lots of LOVE!
have you done a tour video of your indoor gardening starter setup would love to see that <3
my tomato and eggplant seedlings already attracting aphids! should i use a pesticide so soon?
Happy spring to all here. I can't wait for the summer harvest. I have question, first i have eggplant, from last year. Still looking good, do i need to prune it? Hope you can answer me!
and i live 6 hour north from you
hi im from new zealand its night time right now 7:44pm its spring
Good info.
Talk more about your kale varieties that do well in warm weather. Most people associate kale with cool conditions.
I learn so much !!!!!!!! From you! Bless you and your faithful and handsome camera man!
Hey Kim & Camera Guy,
Can I reuse peat pellets if the original seeds didn't sprout? *The new seeds would be the same variety of seeds as the ones that didn't sprout the first time.
i want to grow potatoes and kumara this year in the garden where do i get these from? a kumara is a sweet potatoe.
Hawaii 85
i. Love. Your. You. Tube. Vodyows
I just love u and your videoes
I still have not got to make a strawberry tower. Thinking of using a 5 gallon bucket. Maybe one day
Thanks for sharing