This question is answer will a simple test to see if you need a SEEDLING HEAT MAT for germination.
VIDEO: WHY I use SEEDLING HEAT MAT for germination…
This question is answer will a simple test to see if you need a SEEDLING HEAT MAT for germination.
I am calling my dog PUPPY… Her name is really LUCY
Have you ever thought about affiliate links with Amazon or something? It would make finding some of the products you use much easier and help support your channel in the process. If my basement were cleaned out and I were starting seeds down there I would certainly buy these products directly from you to make sure I picked up the correct ones.
Very good. I think my heat mat is pretty low in power and as a result my peppers are not up yet!
Looking for a good soil thermometer.
Please share make and model that you showed in this video.
Is it stainless and not junk plastic?
Is that your partner who keeps the deer at bay?
I need your help. We have 5 wooden acres of poison ivy. What is the best way to get rid of the ivy without killing everything off. We are organic and I have been pulling it. Put 5 acres is to much for me to pull.
Hi mark,
In my journey to organic garderning, i came across the following youtube lecture about Mycorrhiza. . The description is as follows:
"Judith Felten's research focuses on the development of ectomycorrhizae, which are symbioses that establish between tree root and soil fungi and that can stimulate tree growth. She is especially interested in uncovering how the fungal and plant cell walls are altered during ectomycorrhiza establishment and in identifying the key actors in plant and fungus that control this process "
Hopefully we can all learn from each other and give organic gardening a boost
Thank you for all your great explainations about this topic.
Wouldn't foil faced foam board under the heat mat improve efficiency?
Finally I found someone in the same zone 6b in NJ !!! I'm sooo excited to follow you during the spring season I have sooooo many questions . I am pretty new to gardening( 2 years ) … I have been container gardening. I am sure I could improve on everything ! and would love suggestions
I’m in SE Michigan, 5b. It snowed here last night. And it stuck! It’s gone now, but being up to my elbows in transplanting seedlings and spreading leaf mulch, etc, I did not expect more snow.
I’m setting up the potato box you showed, with coffee grounds and leaf mold, planting peas on top and next to the box. I’ve had zero success with potatoes in the past (clay), but I’m ever hopeful.
I ordered clover seeds, too, based on your recommendation. My neighbors are going to think I’m the laziest gardener ever! Letting the weeds take over. These are rototiller kind of people lol.
I was surprised how easy it was to source coffee grounds. The first place I went to said yes. I pick them up every Saturday. Twice, so far. I encourage everyone to try it – just ask. It’s not like they’re gonna punch you if they say no lol.
Thanks for sharing your experience and experiments. Summer is coming! Yay!
Excuse me how many hours should I leave my heat mat. Its 17.5 watts, 120 vac and 60 hertz
Maybe I can help with some tips for other small scale hobby gardeners(?) The 15-17 watt mats will work ok in a cold room (50 deg) if you use insulation and a double flat. I've used them for years (ok, decades, then
). Put the mat inside one flat, then nest another watertight flat on top of the mat to protect the mat from water. The outer flat deflects the heat up more, I guess – it definitely gets hotter. It's best to use 3/4" or so rigid insulation cut to fit inside the outer flat, just under the mat. Otherwise you can use a folded blanket, pillow, or whatever below the outer flat. Plants go in pots or cell packs in the inner flat, with a thermostat probe, then a dome until they sprout. Route the probe wire through the little ventilation notch in the edge of the inner flat so the dome fits well. If the seeds don't need light to sprout, you can drape a blanket over the whole thing. Some small flower seeds do, but then your lights will add warmth. It's no problem to get to 80 deg. in a 50 deg. rm that way, and very energy efficient. In fact you'll need the thermostat to keep the temp down. The small mats have the big advantage of allowing you to grow different things needing different temps in a small space. The fact that they only use 15 watts isn't that surprising when you consider that all the watts are dedicated to one little flat.
After germination, I only use the heat mat for heat loving things like tomatoes, and only if the weather is very cold for days and no sun for solar gain. Then I set it to 70 deg. Would do 65 but my thermostat doesn't go that low (something to look for in a thermostat). I've never used a fan – would not be surprised if that made it hard to keep the right temps with small heat mats, though. That's a disadvantage, because as Mark said, a fan gives you stronger stems.
The thermostat for small heat mats is, as Mark said, separate. You can plug anything into the thermostat, even a power strip, so you can gang up mats. The thermostats I've seen are very robust as far as how much electricity they can control. However, everything controlled by a single thermostat should be uniform as to pot size and growing medium. If you have some small pots and some big ones, you might get inconsistent temps.
Hope this helps fill out the spectrum a little! I LOVE the big heat mats. Just have had to work a little smaller, and thought I would share.
Thanks Mark, Informative as always. Getting ready to start some peppers and Tomatoes here in 7b.
Hi, what is the name of the black, grid table your using
Are you using mat only or lights too?
Good Info,Pretty Dog!!!!!
Hi Mark. Here in the south I have a terrible time with damping off. I've tried Neem oil and even homegrown remedies like camomile tea with no success. I've read in multiple sources that heat mats help kill the damping off fungus. Have you found this to be true?
are mat heaters strong enough for fig rooting and / or any other fruit tree rootings
Can you explain why my heat mat temperature and meat thermometer temp dont correlate ? I put the meat thermometer inside the pot. The meat therm. reads 120 to 145 f and the therm. on the temp control for the heat mat is set at 78 f. Thanks, Mark
What its 100 degreed?
Would leaving the probe in water damage it as I want to heat my hydroponics tank?