In this video we show you how to sow your Broad Beans / Fava Beans in preparation to plant them out up at the allotment in a few weeks time.
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#favabeans #plantingbroadbeans #broadbeans
What about growing brussle spriuts? Or would that be unfair to the competition, considering being an impartial judge. Thanks for the idea about the clear container. I would like to try that.
Well done, I enjoyed the explanation of the beans bits. Dang rodents you have to deal with. Shame about the time lapse, you get em next time:))
hi I start the brand beans on pots too I got mice too
.good luck Whit then theare MI fouvority veg .
Hi Adam, I hope to get my broad beans in this next week. I have never had problems with mice in the past but there is always a first time. By the way,the Cosmos I have sown for you have all germinated. See you soon, Dave.
Hi Adam, my beans put their head above the soil Wednesday they were planted directly into the ground type Aguadulce Dick, fellow plot holder visited the plot today said his had all been eaten by the mice. Nothing better than fresh young beans for dinner. Dicks having the mice with mint sauce tomorrow. Good video very informative. Give the slow-mo another go it will be interesting. Take care Mike B
Hi Adam, great explanation about how to grow Broad beans. Shame about the time lapse. It’s really great that you were able to show the root system. That plant had grown really well in just 10 days. Take care. Nick
Adam, thank you for explaining this bit about the broad bean. I did plant some in fall here, but the winter has just been too harsh and I do believe they have given up trying to grow. Thank you also for showing how the roots grow. I think I may try using the remaining seeds and see how they make out. Have a great today! Catherine
I'm ashamed to say I've never grown them as I thought they were supposed to be a bit faffy when it comes to preparing them for eating – but I don't really know.
Shame about the time lapse thing not working.
I'm wondering if there are anymore veg, where watching them growing on time lapse would work ?
Cheers….. Kevin
Is this where you plant a seed and a full plant hits the ground…. like the brussels on William's Channel !!
Great info Adam thanks for sharing the info on getting the broad beans started. Very cool looking at the bean in the clear container
Hello Adam this was an interesting video for me and I want to share something with you I sowed my beans in my country it’s call double beans I did the same as you did just planted it to my surprise I had my roots growing above the sow I had to take it out of the pot and plant it the right way. That was a surprise to me. Anyway my bean plant is growing ready to be planted in its bed. Awesome video Adam
Very cool to see the bean growing in the clear container! Great tip about the mice! I look forward to your time lapse.
I planted a few of these things in the Autumn, they did survive the winter but they aren't much bigger than the one you had in the specimen jar that had only planted 10 days ago. Have another go at the time lapse, that specimen looked fine and dandy, as did your pointy stick. Talk later mate
Good information video Adam , oh and well done with the mushrooms .
Really interesting video, I love little snippets of info like this. Hope you do try the time lapse again.
That looks like an interesting variety of broad beans. Like you I usually do Bunyards – but the giant exhibition long pod variety sounds good. Very helpful video. Thank you.
Good Video Adam, thanks for sharing, everyday is a school day
Thanks for that great explanation of a broad bean every day is a learning day. My broad beans are massive all ready think I was a bit early with mine this year.
I planted my broad beans in root trainers in Nov and left them in plastic greenhouse. I planted them out on Sunday. I have planted butter beans 2 years running with great success. Have you thought about growing them – no good of course if you don't like them.
Hi, I have an 8×6 greenhouse and have purchased some shading for one side but I'm thinking will I need it for both sides of greenhouse as my Tomato plants will be on both sides.
Hey Adam, best of luck on your beans,…. T
Growing the bean like that reminds me of growing beans in jam hats with newspaper as a child! Shame the time lapse video didn't work.
good day to you Adam !! thanks for sharing How you sow Broad Beans or Fava Beans in pots and allow to grow before planting then out up the allotment !!
I tried growing broad beans a number of times three times in the house for 3 years 2 times outside for 1 year and the ones outside got eaten by the Slugs snails and birds the ones in the house well they just decided let me grow a little and then die so I'm not going to try them again
Hi Adam -What a great video on the Broad Bean. Fantastic shot of the plant in the clear container. Cheers -Aussie Keith
May I ask what types of soil did you use for growing your fava in the plastic case (for the first 10 days) ?