March 19, 2025


I cut the Bradford Pear tree down to open up light for the new Food Forest. I wonder if it was a mistake to do it myslef or not? Also, we need an update on the homemade heated mat!




My Secret RARE Fruit Tree, PERSIMMONS!!


  1. Thanx James, another interesting vid.
    The teacher/student comment, very astute .
    Life, to me, is like the connect the dots game. each and everyone of us is a dot.
    How can I ever get a bigger picture, IF, I don't connect the dots?
    Re: drilling plastic: if one were to support the area to be drilled, less propensity to crack.
    W/ a hole saw, drilling through plastic, a person can drill w/ the drill in reverse,
    Thanx again

  2. Another youtuber Mike VanDuzee says the way to guarantee no cracking/splitting when drilling a hole in plastic is to drill in reverse for the bigger hole. That also gives a good smooth opening, no sharp areas to cut yourself. Hope it helps.

  3. Now as you cut the rest of the tree up ; save the wood, season it, and when you are cold throw it into the fireplace. Use the wood sparingly because you will get the best fruity smell you ever smelled.

  4. James, I would place strips of ply wood in the bottom of your plastic container. It will prevent your coils from accidentally melting your plastic creating a fire hazard. I would put the sand in first to cover the bottom then the ply wood then more sand. The ply wood can be strips so that you can place your trays or your cups in the container. You can remove the wood and sink the cups directly into the sand if you need to. Also being strips you can adjust your sand accordingly as your needs will change.

  5. Tape the wire and stick some wood in the holes, maybe, to hold the wire snugly away from then plastic. It won't bend or slip. Love your videos and the trial and error innovations you explore. I garden the same way. Try things in a new way if the traditional way doesn't work for me.

  6. I know experts SAY that carrots, lettuce, and brassicas will sprout at lower temps, but IME they sprout much more easily when the soil is lukewarm to warm. Not so with spinach seeds, though.

  7. Don't use wood or foil as both are fire conductors. You might be able to get an electrical waterproof insulating tape. Check at either electricians shop or building supply shop. Plastic is made from oil & ignites quickly. You were doing well with the sand around the wire.

  8. have you done soil blocks ? What do you think of them ? would they not work better ? I'm new at this and I am exploring all kinds of ways to make my planting bettering easier. I do like your red cups.

  9. Hi James, did you put a watt meter on the heat cable to see how much electricity it uses?….Also if you put solid insulation under the sand you will have a more efficient system…

  10. Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited whereas imagination embraces the entire world, stimulating progress, giving birth to evolution. – Einstein. Great use of your own imagination.

  11. I love your channel James! My food forest is just getting started. No more tilling for me. I’m working at it every chance I get and this year I have started my whole garden from seed. You’ve inspired many of my techniques and seed selection. Keep it up man! Thanks again and God bless!

  12. What about topgrafting that pear? Tree this size has a strong root system and if you graft other pear cultivars on it they will grow rapidly and give you more fruit faster than planting a new pear tree + you can have many cultivars on it.

  13. Hi James, thanks again for the great content and help with starting my food forest here in Tecumseh, ON For used heating mats I have found good deals at markets or thrift stores. Either a personal heating pad or better if you can find them are water bed heating pads as most have temp gauges inline. Regardless of how the early videos are shot, it was awesome to be able to watch from early on through to today. To see the evolution and what is possible, is truly inspiring.

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