March 25, 2025

21 thoughts on “VIDEO: FREE LEAF MOLD TODAY – Easy Composting Leaves pile

  1. I'm not sure why you don't have a lot of subscribers yet. You have an awesome channel! We got snow last night too. Come on Spring weather! Lol.

  2. I love this video, coupled with the music…very relaxing! Here in mid Illinois our snow melted off today. Thank heavens!
    I can’t wait to see everything you teach us in 2018!!! (From the ground up! It’s all very exciting!)

  3. Hi Mark, Can did you plant Winter Rye this fall? If so, can you give us an update on how it is doing? I have learned a lot from your channel and really appreciate all that you do.

  4. Can fall leaves be used as a mulch for vegetable garden? I’m thinking of mulching my cucumber plants with old fall leaves in hopes of having better water retention and microbial life in my soil.

  5. Mark keep taking this valuable resource with a negative price tag, but it just goes to show how messed up society can be that no one wants something that has a great use. If I ever get the chance I’ll do the same, but my town just mows their leaves were low class lol!

  6. I wish my township did this. I drive around in the fall and load up my van with bag of leaves that people put out for the trash. It's time consuming but well worth it.

  7. After almost following you for 2 years now.. im making a little (I found out) film (cause i see the world a little different now) about leaves today.. its all by hand labor and pretty small scale. so perfect for that smaller scale thingy

  8. People don’t have to pay to put chemicals on their yard
    I throw down some lime sometimes but I’m not using nitrogen

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