Garden update from back in mid-March. We are fertilizing our greens with Black Kow and Blood Meal and then mulching with hay.
VIDEO: Garden Update and Adding Black Kow and Blood Meal to our Greens
Garden update from back in mid-March. We are fertilizing our greens with Black Kow and Blood Meal and then mulching with hay.
Sweet . You all did real good . Howie and missy
Glad to see spring has shown up somewhere, very nice update. how did you like that Apple Pie I made?
You folks have been very busy over there! Very nice update! Everything is looking really good. Thanks for the tour!
Nice looking garden. What is the round flat things in your garden.
very impressed by the beautiful garden.
Looking very good. Thanks for the update.
Your garden sure is looking good Lea!! Well besides the parts them darn tree rats
have gotten ahold of anyhow!! Currently have a sheet over my container greens!!
Mother Nature just keeps returning with her ugly side!! I'm hoping the starts in my jiffy
greenhouse deal make it through this weather if not i shall rebuild errr restart!!
Have a good'nnn
The garden is looking really good! I love the brussel sprouts, broccoli, carrots, potatoes and some of the lettuce. So I do like several vegetables, just not a lot of the leafy greens too much. It looks like you hard work and care are really paying off! I am betting that you are looking forward to summer vacation!!!
very good, love gardening
Your certainly on your way to another great summer, thanks for the update.
Nice update, Lea. Thanks for showing us the amendment and mulching process.
Everything looks great. In Idaho, I've only been able to plant peas so far!
Looks like you are off to a great start!
Great start to the Spring season!! Can you bring some of that weather this way? lol LIKE 15
Isn’t gardening FUN? Great garden, like mine it’s always getting expanded…
Does your hay sprout?