March 20, 2025

VIDEO: Is A Food Forest WORTH IT?

When starting a Food Forest if you want to get disease resistent trees the cost can add up. So then we must ask, is it worth it to start a food forest?




My Secret RARE Fruit Tree, PERSIMMONS!!

29 thoughts on “VIDEO: Is A Food Forest WORTH IT?

  1. What about making biochar from the cedar branches (obtain a yield) and inoculating with your chicken coop bedding and then use it in the food forest.Paul said that all he uses is wood chips,compost from his chickens,ash and char.

  2. Hey, I just wanted to say that I love your videos so much, you’re so inspiring man. I just made this YouTube account specifically to tell you that and that a month ago, I knew nothing about gardening but since stumbling on to your channel, I’ve already planted my first seed and I’m so happy! Been staying up late watching as much of your videos as I can, they’re full of value and actually really improving my mental state. I’ve been going through a rough patch for a long while..but my outlook on life has changed so much for the better. Didn’t want this to be too long and don’t know if you’re gonna see this but I ultimately just wanted to say thank you 🙂 keep doing what you’re doing, you’re amazing!

  3. Is that a flying dragon trifoliate orange you have? I planted some seeds last year, hoping they sprout, i plan to use them for root stocks of cold hardy satsumas. The trifoliate orange fruits taste pretty horrible, but i still eat them sometimes, may be good for cooking. There are some trifoliate hybrids you should check out, they usually have a better taste and have good cold hardiness, might still need protection in Jersey. Ive got a cold hardy grapefruit, citrange i think its called, a hybrid of a grapefruit and trifoliate, hoping it survived winter here in Va 🙂

  4. I’ve been procrastinating too. Should have gotten a lot more in the ground but our weather has been weird in Las Vegas. Warm the last couple of weeks and it’s supposed to be high 60’s tomorrow??? Go figure!

  5. With Tucks carrot obsession it’s a wonder you get any for yourself. 🙂 I have a heart issue so most of my gardening has to be done in raised beds and on the top of terraced walls. I can't be as food "forest" as you …bummer. I'm in NJ too (although more north). You have been an inspiration for me to expand the mini orchard that I started in 2015. I'm afraid my thumb is not as green as yours and I keep getting discouraged. Actually, it’s your garden "failures" that inspire me the most. It reminds me nature makes no promises and you just have to keep plodding along learning from mistakes and replacing what doesn’t work out. Thank you!

  6. Love your channel also love the music. I just started our food forest last year and can't wait to try some of the stuff you have done. what zone are you in?

  7. I just discovered your channel today, from watching the video update you posted last November or something of the full year of 2017. This whole thing looks absolutely awesome… I'd love to start my own 'food forest' but I'm only in high school right now. Maybe when I move out I'll get the chance to build one, if I'll have the time to maintain it. Gotta keep that as a dream for now, haha.

    This channel is great. Everything is so positive, and so inspiring. Thanks for the vids!

  8. I believe that's absolutely the right attitude. It will cost money to start a food forest, but it's an investment in one's future. It also doesn't have to be all at once. Start doing one tree at a time get some support species in and before you know it, a fully functional food forest. Thanks for the video.

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