September 28, 2024

VIDEO: How to Grow Broccoli and Beet Microgreens in Soil.

Very delicious, and so easy to grow! I love broccoli microgreens, next to sunflowers they are my favorites. I also enjoy the beet microgreens, they take a little longer to grow than the broccoli, but they add such a beautiful color and taste to salads. Or use them as an unusual garnish. They are very easy to grow, and taste really good. Give them a try!

28 thoughts on “VIDEO: How to Grow Broccoli and Beet Microgreens in Soil.

  1. Tikki O. Good info on side by side comparison. Have you tried the Micro Mats growing medium from Mountain Valley yet? I have seen some microgreen pros using it and they get great results.

  2. @ 10:00 min in you ask bout hulls… …i roller pin my beet seeds to separate them (multi shoots FROM ONE SEED if left alone) rolling then separates individuals so hulls are smaller and GO THRU the strainer 🙂 just guess`n on this one… great vid and LET ME KNOW IF THE SCREEN TECHNIQUE WORKS AND IF ITS FOOD GRADE SCREENING OR JUST THE SH$T I CAN PULL OFF MY WINDOWS LOL

  3. Hello! I love your videos, you do such a great job explaining everything. Do you have an affiliate link for the seed companies you buy from? Thanks!

  4. After gently swishing the sprouts around in the spinner bowl, I've always used a small fine stainless steel mesh strainer. It works great!
    But, I'm getting a new Vitamix, so I plan on incorporating them into my smoothies in the future. Yeah!
    Great video again! Thanks Tikki!

  5. My suggestion for rinsing your micro greens is to rinse them in the bowl of the spinner first to remove the hulls then spin them dry that's what I find to be the best method

  6. Try putting a weight on top of the micro greens as they are sprouting, It will force the plants to strengthen and may cause the shells to part,
    Let me now if it works for you

  7. I watched a guy plant beet micro seeds by pressing them down hard into coir, then again pressing them down again with a tray to cover and heavy weight on top. In the end he had almost no hulls. I tried it and when they began to sprout, they raised the coir with them, hulls and all. Didn't work for me, but seemed to for him. Hmmm.

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