March 25, 2025

17 thoughts on “VIDEO: 2-in-1 MARKET GARDEN Greenhouse & RETAIL Farm Stand

  1. That's an outstanding setup Mark! You could also sow things like lettuces and cabbages or small root vegetables like radishes and fingerling carrots in nursery pots that you could sell as "harvest on the spot" organic produce for a value added product.

  2. Very nice set up Mark and may implement your set up! A question for you….. is your building a Morton bldg? Did you have it built and are you happy with it? Thank you in advance and I am always referring back to your videos…..always happy to see a new video from you in my feed. All the best, Catherine

  3. I market my honey directly to the public here in Baltimore…the honey is produced only from my bees yet most other beekeepers around me buy at wholesale and repackage as local…the main issue is most consumers don't have any idea that they should be scrutinizing their "local"food purchases as many cheat…

  4. Hi Mark, question about pepper seedlings. I started my plants the first week of March and they are about 10" tall. Many of them are putting out buds, but no open flowers. Would you recommend pinching off the buds at this point?

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