March 18, 2025

VIDEO: The Food Forest AWAKENS!

This is the time I have been waiting for all year, the food forest garden has awoken!!




My Secret RARE Fruit Tree, PERSIMMONS!!

29 thoughts on “VIDEO: The Food Forest AWAKENS!

  1. Hi. I really enjoy seeing your garden/art. I'm starting also with a garden for the first time. Thanks for your nice videos and the funny dog. Thanks and have a lot of fun in your garden. Grtz

  2. Have you considered growing more perennial vegetables? Things like walking onions, Turkish rocket, good king henry, miners lettuce, perennial bush kale, etc. Some do fine in partial shade and could fill in your food forest understory a fair bit. You could still leave the sunny areas for your annuals. In my food forest I'm trying to add a lot of these plants – saves work and let's me prioritize my seed starting efforts on the plants where annuals are the only option.

    I love your videos and your food forest looks great! Looking forward to watching your phase 4 video!

  3. PA LAWN GUY. (70 and 30+ years lawn experience) James Mowing, planting, seeding, and trimming gets me going. Like the way you keep your words concise; most of us can keep with the thought flow. Thanks. Some of the youtube channels think we have to hear it with 4 sentences per idea/thought segment. Thanks for the consicement.

  4. I love your video! It's great to see another jersey shore permaculture fan! I needed to set up a heating coil to help me pop seeds in my unheated green house. I don't think a single pepper has come up yet. :/ Happy spring!

  5. Love the flower montage! Here is south Texas we are having some tomatoes, peppers, blueberries, and zucchini starting to pop out their "fruit". I am also trying to squeeze some more lettuce before it gets to hot here. Sadly though we are starting to get a cucumber beetle problem. Although we are drowning those pest-ie beetles they still keep popping up. We think they are appearing because our neighborhood is having a weed problem… BUT not us! lol Any how, I look forward to the many videos to see your garden awake!

  6. hey man just wanted to say that watching your garden transform has been a large inspiration for me, and ive finally caved and am following my dream of permaculture as a full time profession 🙂

    Follow my channel for project updates

  7. Excellent, lots of great tips in this video. I like your seed starting system, and it's cool you're growing extra for other people. I didn't know that about the rhubarb flowers. Does the rhubarb not reproduce through pollination then?

  8. Amazing James. inspirational. By the way can you do a show of just what varieties of trees you have and why you chose them? Thanks i know that you mention these things throughout your episodes but i thought a discussion about just that would be informative. Perhaps it might take an episode each on pears , apples or whatever. Thank you.

  9. Check out mushrooms! Morels: on You Tube look for, How to grow morel mushrooms at home. Then, there are turkey tail, maitake, both medicinal in that they help the immune system. Then there are shiitake, and the oyster mushroom family, they grow on hardwood logs. So, if you trim a big branch or cut down a tree, grow them! Shady spots that get hardly any sun, there is the place to grow all of these. They do not need sunlight!

  10. Bored?? Gardening, music, playing in a band, guitar building, wild mushroom foraging, working. I have no idea what bored is! There are never enough hours in a day.

  11. awesome videos! I watched like 3 of your videos and am already ready to make a food forrest ( I have a tiny bit of a head start already ) and I am so lucky that you are close by to me so I can copy your stuff 😀 I am a somewhat experienced gardener but I have been wanting to do something like a food forrest for so long. I love how you aren't afraid to go a bit deep in some videos even though it may be over some viewers heads. You answered a ton of questions in your starting from scratch videos that I have had in my head for a while now that I haven't seen other "regular" youtube gardeners address . The rebelution is nice too 🙂

  12. Thanks for making and sharing your Food Forest Video with all of us! I share your enthusiasm for gardening. You are right! Anyone who is bored would do well to get outside and create a garden. Bored-no-more! It's interesting that by the end of the gardening season ( November / December ) I am ready for the break and then by the end of February I am chomping at the bit to get out into the gardens and get to work. And thank you for sharing your plants with your neighbors and friends. I can't think of any gift I'd appreciate more than something…ANYTHING…for my garden!

  13. Ow agree, I’m never bored either since I have everything as a hobby, that includes growing stuff too and I’m so happy in quarantine, I think this new world order is perfect

  14. Sir. You are amazing! You did the such a great job! I love your garden and I love the way that you plan and builded your garden! That is my dream to be able to have a garden lije that too. I am dreaming it, planning it in my mind, and hoping in the future I will be able to build my perfect garden in the reality!

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