Sweet corn is very satisfying to grow at home, but the real prize lies in cooking up the cobs as soon as possible after harvest for a super-sweet treat.
Corn that’s had to travel miles to get to your plate will be past its peak, but cobs that have been picked in your own garden just minutes before cooking deliver a real punch of super sweet taste.
In this short video we show you how to grow super sweet corn, from sowing and planting to knowing exactly when it’s time to harvest for the sweetest, tastiest cobs.
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Whoops I should of watched this before I planted the young outside. The frost killed then off . Still time to start again
I live in the north east of England. Would I be better growing them in large pots in my greenhouse? I'm not sure it will be warm enough outside.
I have corn plant in uk. Can I plant it outside in April.
Do corn do well being ripped apart like that? I thought they didn’t do well being transplanted?
Once harvested , can the plant regrow for next harvest?
Do you cover the corn with netting ???
Thanks…………….and Well done
Can I plant corn further apart to allow me to plant courgette in between? Is the 45cm a min or max? Thanks
I remember one of my uncles who was quite a backyard gardener. He used to stand in the corn, ready to harvest, and yell to my aunt "Is the water boiling yet?" Only then would he harvest what was needed for the meal. Best corn on the cob ever!
Can I grow a plant from sweetcorn from a tin
What about growing from cobs that haven't grown so well instead of having to buy seeds every time?
Is it possible to plant/grow individual fresh kernels or perhaps even slices of not-so-successful cobs?
Has anybody tried this?
I have a couple of questions. What if you sew it in mid June in the UK or would that be too late? For some reason can't get fresh corn on the cobs from the supermarket for weeks now. Also could you grow it straight out of the bags of compost of you put them close together?
I'm eating sweetcorn watching this.
Nailed it big man!
We do love our British cousins, here in the U.S. thank you for the tips in corn growing.
Oh this is great. I have a question! I notice you pulled apart into singular plants. I have two plants together planted as well as three plants together planted. Should I separate now????
The only tip I have is plant seed direct in garden as soon as last frost date is past. Corn doesn't like transplanting. Also, plant seed at least 2" if not 3"deep. Shallow planting like less than two inches not recommended. Plant roots will not form properly, so plants tend to fall over. Mounding dirt won't help if seedlings have already emerged. Full sun and water are important both needed.
Love all of your vidoeo! Always brilliant information, straight to the point and do clear and helpful… And love your little doggy too! Thank you so much for your fab channel.
Is this opposed to sour corn?
I'm growning corn for the 1st time this year and I'm a fews days away from checking if there ready, but I have a problem & need some advice, I have been placing some WHITE card under the flower & tapping them to collect the pollon then I blow it on the tassels myself.
Today I did it & one of my flowers dropped VERY TINY black insects from the flower onto my WHITE CARD, I've tried looking them up but can't find out what they are or if I need to destroy the plant so they don't spread. They are so tiny I can't see NO legs but I see them moving on the cardboard.
I binned the cardboard to prevent any cross contamination. Should I be worried do I need to cut down this 1 plant any advice would be helpful, they are the size of a grain of sand if that helps.
What is the seed. Is it a piece of sweet corn?
Good staff
I want to ask if corn will grow back after cutting?
inspiring to see what happens i might grow it myself and i will have to watch it again,
Very good video
Gostaria de saber qual variedade de milho doce você planta!