DAIZZ’S TIP:-Spray the (HONEY + WATER )Mix on the flowers of your fruit plant n This will help in biotic pollination as this mix will attract lots of insects and birds such as bees,butterfly’s,beetles,humming birds n other pollinators.Pollination leads to fertilization in which pollen grains fuses with the eggs to form a seed and later ovary develops into a fruit..:)
Song: Jarico – Landscape (Vlog No Copyright Music) Music promoted by Vlog No Copyright Music. Video Link:
wow.. thanks for the idea
My lemon plant has started flowering now (bud phase), as i can see your plant has very less leaves, so should I prune my plant too?
Thanks for this video
which lemon variety is that
it will also attract ants, lots of ants!!
Is this falsa tree in container??
Nice trick
thank you for that information and greetings from the mountains of germany!
ill use that on my blackberry bush next year because only a few flowers produced fruit this year
Please Help. My Kishu mandarin tree have a lot of baby fruit. But now all of them turn Black and die. Would you tell me why ? they are 5-6 or more full sun. How often water and fertilizer … right now August -1-2019. they will have more blooming coming ? thankyou in advance.
Hello, I have been searching for a grafted improved Meyer lemon plant to grow in my house garden….but all I am getting are seedlings etc on Amazon…..can you please help with a authentic source in India from whom I can get a grafted improved Meyer lemon plant….I will need 2 plants to begin with at my address in Panchkula @ Chandigarh ….I will be grateful for this help
Can you show us lemon or other fruits plant care videos with full update.. that too in containers.. thank you
You are a genius. It's an outstanding horticulture technique.
is it applicable to tomato plant ?
I have a lemon Tres very big but only one time I saw some flowers but no fruits …. what should I do
last 2 years no flowers no fruits nothing
My lemon plant is not producing fruits
What to do for the coming floors to the lemon tree.
How do you get your orange tree to flower?
in lime which months flowers will starts , how many times in year
Hi sir we have purchased lemon plants from nursery , when we brought it in March this year there was lot of flowers, it all dropped and only one lemon stared to grow after two
Months still the single lemon is growing .now there is no flowers till now . Can you please help me on this.
I tried the method today how long will it be until see results
Pure Honey never dissolves in water
Does it not attract ants?
Please suggest lemon tree flower and fruit
Can you make a tour of all ur plants!!!! would love that!!!!
Sugar water is much cheaper though.