March 22, 2025

VIDEO: this kind of GARDEN will feed you for LIFE




My Secret RARE Fruit Tree, PERSIMMONS!!

26 thoughts on “VIDEO: this kind of GARDEN will feed you for LIFE

  1. hey man great videos I was wondering if you would do a video showing us where the fruit would come from what part of the trees I have a plum tree that didn't bear fruit last year but flowered this year it has a ton of flowers on it but I'm not sure where the fruits going to come from if you could do a video on plum trees and peach trees that would be great

  2. I'm new to all this, so hope this isn't a dumb question. With all those trees, when they get big and produce more shade how will you handle that with your smaller plants that need a lot of light?

  3. I had a flock of chickens that kept most harmful pests out of my farm and provided eggs for me and my customers. They were double yolkers, moist, bright orange, and firm. My customers loved them. I loved all the trees, apples, walnuts, damson plums, maple, oaks and fir trees. I loved my land. Looking for land again. You are normal to feel so good with your plants. Great inspirational videos.

  4. as always, great content. you sir are an inspiration of mine without a doubt. I plan to use the knowledge I've gained from you, stefan sobkowiak, and Paul G at my recently purchased home on 6.5 acres (2.5 open, flat) Just trying to figure out a wood chip supplier right now to prep the land. That way I can plant trees in the fall or next spring.

  5. Hello Jim, I just discovered your channel today and I have subscribed. Your love of nature is contagious :)) You showed your Goji berry plant in the one corner, may I ask how old the Goji is and has the plant ever fruited ? With all your fruit trees present do you have a honey bee hive ? I live in western Pa. where today its a blistering 55 degrees, gray gloomy and raining…uugghh 🙁 Please keep up your wonderful videos !

  6. I've got raspberries that are over-spreading too. Instead of pulling them, I'm harvesting the leaves for teas and use in salads. Raspberry leaves are good. My dummy self thought to transplant a raspberry that was venturing away from my raspberry patch last year…. to behind my pond. My hibiscus back there are struggling to stay above the fast growth of the raspberries that are taking over the entire berm already.

  7. Just found your channel recently. You are such a gardening/food forest nerd and I LOVE IT! Very refreshing that I am not alone there. I often feel that our generation doesn't appreciate such things, especially not to the extent you seem to. Thank you for the channel, and your enthusiasm. We are closing on our first home with 5acres in a few weeks (literally twitching with anxiety about a late start to the growing season) and I will be using many of your ideas to get started on my own land. Thanks again! You rock!

  8. love the enthusiasm! doin the same thing you are . started in 2014 and slowly turned my in town back yard into solid woodchipped food areas. I enjoy shoveling my truck bed full of chips and wheelbarrowing them onto my yard. every year the production gets better and less work for me . nothin better than picking food after work until you cant eat any more. black raspberries, peas, cucumbers are my favorites. so much life in a yard that used to be useless grass. keep up the great work

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