March 16, 2025

VIDEO: Comparing Two Different Priced Seed Starting Mixes

In this episode we will be talking about seed starting mixes and comparing the two we have used with great results and comparing the price to the quality to see if the price is justified by the quality.
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29 thoughts on “VIDEO: Comparing Two Different Priced Seed Starting Mixes

  1. Where I live in Canada, promix is in all the big box stores, and Burpee is not to be found as far as I've seen. Promix makes quality products, in my experience.

  2. I totally understand what your saying about what Is the best seed starting mix to use but of course I have never used any of those brands before I have all ways used what ever is the cheapest

  3. Here at my local big box store I can get a 2 cubic foot bale of Promix for under $12.00. According to their website product marketed for the US has starter fertilizer in it. I used it to transplant my seedlings in.

  4. Burpee apparently doesn't have good quality control. Myself and a friend both used their coir bricks this year for starting seeds. Never again! I was willing to try something other peat moss in my seed starting mix because of all the controversy concerning peat. Our plants died or generally did not grow well. It's back to peat moss for both of us. I'm sorry I recommended Burpee coir to my friend. I say don't take the chance with buying a ready made product. Make your own mix. Peat moss, Vermiculite, Perlite and some organic fertilizer has never let me down.

  5. Been using PROMIX product for 20 years, can find it at any garden center , Lowes stocks it in NH. I use for all my micro greens also. I run tests from time to time and PH on the standard BX product not the seed starting mix and the PH always comes in around 6.8.. Never any issues. Great review..

  6. Never Ever buy Dollar General seed starting mix!!! It's mostly peat and full of twigs and sticks. Also it is much too acidic for most seeds. The few that did come up died before they put out their first true set of leaves. Luckily I always save way more seeds than I need. Having to restart my seeds threw me about a month behind with my garden.

  7. Luke this year I did a 180 degree move on my plant starts, I got a Park's Bio Dome to start the seeds and then I re-potted them in Fox Farms Ocean Forest potting mix and there doing great. The only down fall with the Bio Dome is I should have ordered an additional package of plugs. The transplant shock was minimal because of no root disturbance, just plant the whole plug.

  8. Hey Luke! Great video! My husband and I are first time gardeners this year and our pepper plants (bell peppers, jalapeños, habaneros and Serrano) are growing beautifully EXCEPT for there being a bunch of ants all over them and in between the leaves. We are growing all organic and have watched all of your pest control videos and have tried the neem oil method and even a all natural pest spray from the store but still those ants are going strong! Any recommendations for getting rid of them?? (P.s we live in Dallas Texas) thanks!!! ✨

  9. burpee 12 qts for $6 = $2 a quart where the pro mix is 16 quarts for 10 which = $1.60 a quart for better stuff. I would say that you get more bang for your buck with the promix

  10. We purchased a raised bed soil to help top dress our beds when we ran out of compost. We bought and compared two brands..”Burpee” and “Natures Care”. Like u I am usually very pleased with Burpee products. The Burpee bag advertised “Raised bed soil and potting mix”. The first thing we noticed was the bag of Burpee was extremely light. The soil inside looked and felt exactly like potting soil. The Nature’s Care was heavier, the soil was dense and smelled like great compost. How can a raised bed soil be interchangeable with a potting soil?

  11. Too bad a week after all that "good weather" it's back in the low 50's.. (at least on the east side of the state it is) Killed a good chunk of my transplants. Oh well, that's what you get for ever assuming winter is over in Michigan…

  12. Burpee organic seed starting blocks killed all my and a friend's seedlings last year. Hmmm what brand will I use this year?? I'm pretty sure I will go back to diy. Peat moss,perlite, some lime and worm castings. Wish I would have never used Burpee.

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