September 28, 2024

VIDEO: Garden MEMES of the Week!




My Secret RARE Fruit Tree, PERSIMMONS!!

26 thoughts on “VIDEO: Garden MEMES of the Week!

  1. Quite right James it saddens me when people refer to plants as rubbish they should realise plants eat up the rubbish and neutralise it to soil. Provided we don't feed it plastic.

  2. WoW! What a great crop of memes this week! Some real funny and talented people out there.
    BTW, worms actually have a very strong union and get 6 weeks vacation per year, usually travelling to Middle-Earth, where they tell a lot of dirty jokes to each other

  3. You had a paradigm shift! That's great!

    A story for you… a boss I had said, in his deep texas drawl, I thought a paradigm was twenty cents! LOL!

    Thanks for sharing… I'll be planting my strawberries soon, they are in the fridge waiting for my garden to be completed!

  4. WOW, what a great looking day quite warm with that nice breeze can't ask for better weather. Enjoyed the memes and the fruit trees look great.

  5. Hey James, I contacted a tree company and they are willing to dump several loads of chips from a pile they've had since last summer for free. Think it would be too composted or would that be better? They'll also dump fresh chips when they are in the area. Which one should I take?

  6. Hey James, another great video! Can I ask you a question? Does your persimmon come back a bit later than the rest of the trees? Mine isn't awake yet and I'm afraid it died. I'm a bit north of you. Also, do you have any paw paws? Ever consider trying them in your new section?

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