March 18, 2025





My Secret RARE Fruit Tree, PERSIMMONS!!

28 thoughts on “VIDEO: The stuff I HAVEN'T SHOWN, SECRET side GARDEN!

  1. The last PLUM you showed
    I think my client has a 40 yr old one . It is huge! The plums are for making prunes and it's so tall the crows eat them all.

  2. Oh yea, that's the goal, 3 fruit trees each year to add to the garden. I have a young fruit forest. I started 3 years ago starting with 1 orange tree, then a peach tree, followed by a mandarin tree, apricot, nectarine, nashi pear, white mulberry……and more LOL Now, I have over 20 fruit trees LOL. It's citrus season in Australia, so I am getting my first ripe crop of mandarins…yum. My oranges are ripening up nicely too. We have 2 variety (Navel and Valencia) on the one tree. btw, I love your idea growing strawberries under the fruit trees. I am going to do that to my lot.

  3. Hello, I enjoy watching your videos. I’m definitely going to add a fruit tree to my very small back yard. I’m also going to add a bug hotel to promote beneficial insects to the area. I was wondering if you had a bug hotel in your amazon food Forest?

    Thank you Vincent

  4. How I wish I was your neighbour. Here in South Africa it is SO dry. We have drought now… I love all that green in your garden. You cannot be embarrassed by overgrowth of food!! Beautiful. Thanks for the inspiration!

  5. Yo, let me ride through and check out the Forrest. I’m down in South Jersey and we just started up our Perma Forest. I’d definitely like to come get a couple raspberry cuttings from you and check out what Tuck has growing on

  6. My ground was scraped by the flipper. It is basically called pinky

    Bought a gojiberry. It's really struggling! I may come to NJ to get a healthier relationship one?

  7. Get 10 Free Trees when you join the Arbor Day Foundation The Arbor Day Foundation is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit conservation and education organization. A million members, donors, and partners support our programs to make our world greener and healthier. More about our mission and programs… ( cost 10 bucks to join for 6 months) 15 bucks to join for a YEAR get 10 free trees for joining , AND 1/3 off all nursery trees )

  8. You have a beach plum so cool make a video to tell us how good it tastes. I saw beach plums in my wild plants book also it looks like you have wild onion in your berry food forest. Which if you harvest the greens can be used as chives and you can eat the small onion-like bulb.

  9. Have you had any trouble with the plum curculio? I finally gave up on plums because of them and the disease that looks like hard black foam. It only got on my little plum tree with purple foliage. It was supposed to be just an ornamental, but mine had lots of little delicious plums. I didn't want to use chemicals either.

  10. This isn't legal I guess but decades ago when I was poorer I'd pinch things and put them in my pocket. I got very good at rooting. I still have some plants in the ground that I started in 1993. I love propagating and I love garden volunteers. I will, which I shouldn't, take care of them more that what I plant.

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