The 20th of May in World Bee Day. Honey bees are super important for pollination of many fruits and vegetables and please check out these links for more information:
Beekeeping in Slovenia:
Slovenia Beekeeper’s association:
Best plants for bees:
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My name is Huw Richards, I live in Wales, UK and I am a teenager who loves vegetable gardening. Unusual right? I love to teach people around the world about growing their own food organically and my end goal is to get as many children as possible to have the experience of growing food which I believe is one of the most important things a child could learn. If you’re new to HuwsNursery then please hit that subscribe button (and also notifications) so you can learn more about growing your own food inexpensively
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Good drone footage. It inspires me to go fly mine now. Keep U.S. genetically modified foods out of your country. That is one good thing the EU did for its people. They are killing off the bees here in the U.S., well… Its a theory why they are disappearing.
Great video Huw. Very professionally made
Great job, as always, Huw! Great subject matter. Did you happen to hear whether they are experiencing colony collapse disorder in Slovenia as well?
I also like the drone work (no double pun intended) and the framing of your shots. Your videos have a real professional quality about them.
That was really amazing, thanks for sharing your trip and letting us in on the great things they have done with their bees and the things YOU can do with yours.
Ian at Lolitas garden has a slovenian bee hive, it was fun to see up close. Thx for sharing this gem
Thank you so much for this video! We've had bees for several years now. We've lost our hives sometimes, but have 2 new hives again this year, and they seem to be doing well. The yield in our garden is so amazingly better with our bees, it is very much worth the work of keeping them. The honey is an added bonus too, of course. Keep up the good work! Blessings to you!
Triffic vid Huw. Enjoyed it immensely, and your editing skills are really developing nicely. Love all your vids mate. Enjoy Chelsea. Have a chat with Monty Don.
My name is Benjamin or Biniamen, we have small garden in Israel. And Big garden in Ethiopia. I want invite you here in Israel and Ethiopian. Please contact me ,+972 545218850 thanks
Very interesting! Before I started gardening, I didn't really take any notice of bees. This year I let some broccoli go to flower to help attract bees to my tiny summer garden.
It is also now the Bee Census (in the UK) – go to to register and download the app so we can find out how bees are doing across the UK, as well as in your garden
Albert Einstein said "if the bees disappear the earth will have four years of life…..
everyone must understand it….
great job Huw!!!keep going
greetings from Grecce!!
Spot on video! I used to keep 150 hives in the states. Miss it a lot. In the bee houses that have a lot of hives in them, does the beekeeer work the bees inside the house?
Hello Huw! We enjoyed watching this before school. Jonah asked, after school, which flowers, in your experience, are the best attractor for bees, and which flourish best in this neck of the woods with our Welsh climate…
Get a taste of Tasmanian Leatherwood honey and tell me it's not heaven on Earth. Bees are Divine little creatures.
Mister "O" approves this message.
Great video. I love and respect the bees my whole life. Thank you sir (and all involved) for the video! Regards from Slovenia!
Hi, awesome video. If you'll ever need help or advice at painting beehive panels, you can contact me and I can help you create smth. on topic of your country tradition. I'm a slovenian, living in London and also painting folk art (beehive panels).
4 hives, 55kg's of honey. Damn, they're really productive
Great information and video. Hoping to learn more abt Slovenia. Thank you.
awesome. Thanks a bunch for sharing.
Happy #world #bee day in #Madagascar #worldbeeday #savethebees #honeybees #beekeepers #bees
God showed me a year ago, the bees, I was so afraid of them. I started to watch them, video them and come to absolutely love them. Especially the bumblebee. I want to learn more and when ready, invite them to live in a bee box in my yard. This was a great video. I'm very interested in what the man said about breathing hive air!! Blessings to you Huw!
We must love bees.. they are important
Great job on this! Thank you for this lovely presentation.
And yes, bees are important in our culture. When I was around 14, each one of us in class had to paint one of those story pictures (called panjska končnica). I hope even younger generations continue our tradition since bees are so important. My uncle is one of the main beekeepers in our region and sometimes I help him and learn stuff. People can help A LOT- if you have a small section of soil or place on your balcony: plant some "bee important" flowers!
Great video
And look My bee