We are cutting from our winter sown lettuce bed. We are practicing cut and come again growing so that we can have continuous harvests from the same space.
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do you have a video explaining the tarp cover system seen here?
My lettuce only a 1/4 the size of yours, I'm definitely thinking if doing a tunnel next year.
I love this video
How do you know when to harvest lettuce? What’s the best height to harvest that isn’t bitter?
Harvest timing for lettuces would be a great video!
Thanks for another great video.
Good stuff
How do you grow that during the Michigan winter? I'm in Colorado and would like to do the same but didnt think it was possible with our harsh winters.
Your lettuce bed is great. Please provide me the link you referenced. Also, with the lettuce so tightly packed together, how do you water?
awesome video, but an update to your container grown high density lettuce would be great too
what, no arugula?
Advantage to cutting of the way you are vs just cutting individual leaves? We usually just keep picking/cutting individual leaves off the main stem. This has worked for us, but is time consuming. What is your thought on the difference?
Luke where did you get the PVC clips??
I wish this lettuce would grow like this in Florida. I have tried this method and it still wants to go to seed.
beautiful lettuce looks like my hugelkultur bed lettuce right now. If our ever in the portland oregon area I would love to give you a tour. My farm is a hybrid of hugelkultur and jean martin fortier techniqeus! Also great video on the calcium I agree its the best all around mineral you can add.. Especily to red soils low in calcium gypsum, lime, wood ashe, they all create a chemical reaction that will help quickly break down the clay into more oxygen rich organic matter
I really want to give this a shot, because space is super limited at my current place. And I love lettuce! It's crazy you get that much out of such a small area. Thanks for the video!
I ordered a lettuce from you that has rough leaves, what is the name of that one? Also, our arugula has bolted can it still be eaten?
I just found you from Doug and Stacy's Channel! I'm wondering, what do you do when your lettuce starts to Bolt? Do you have tips to keep your lettuce from Bolting? I'm waiting to collect the Seeds from our Bolted Lettuce. Thanks from So Calif
How do i order your seeds?…thx
Great video. For how long may this cut and come again method work? Can I continually add nutrients to my soil and keep the same lettuce root and core to continually grow lettuce all year?
For new gardener's and urban farmers, would you mind explaining how you fertilize and feed the soil while doing high intensity since you cant turn over the bed because you're constantly doing the cut and come again method. Thank you so much!
When do you direct sow your cut and come again seeds outside?
I need help I have brown spots on my lettuce is it safe to eat still? 1st time gardener I tried your technique and planted them all close together could it be it got to much water during a storm we had is that what that plastic is for, for your lettuce? And how do I prevent browning spots on the leaves and advice would be helpful please and thank you
Once you cut it is the stuff you leave planted still supposed to turn a little brown?
This would be great in a large container on the patio!
What about other c&can crops? Onion, garlic?
5-6 dollars in the store?
more like 15-25 for that amount of organic lettuce :p
On the romaine, how much of the base do you leave for cut and come again, 2 inches? Also, how big should the romaine be when I start harvesting? Love your videos, I've learned so much!!!
how much space between plants
How close was it planted together