March 27, 2025

19 thoughts on “VIDEO: Plot Tour

  1. Ok there is some shady activity going on here!!! Nice that your vid just went up, yet some wild cat has beat me to adore you by only 8 flip'n hours ago. Mhmmmmmmm, clear as a bell brother. Fine, be that way. I feel hurt and betrayed by the most handsome, funny, talented and creative gardener on the planet. It's ok, my heart has been ripped out before, I'll be fine. I shall continue watching thru my tears:))))

  2. My broad beans are somewhere between yours on the right & yours on the left. My pole beans are a little taller. Question… Can I take those off the plants to dry or do I need to let them dry on the vine. Last year was so dismal I just left them out there & grabbed them when they were dry. Lost all my soft greens to critters but I have critters in the freezer. Also…I put up fences around the smallish beds. After the loss of just about everything last year, this year is a re-build for me. Thanx for the vid. You keep making them & I'll keep watching them.

  3. Ok, I have collected my broken heart, grabbed the crazy glue and have watched, twice (tears are distracting) very nice progress, strictly plutonic friend of mine. So hard to comment…lupins are great, sunflowers not so much…Those folks that didn't like the taste of saskatoons have very different taste buds than I. They hate haskaps and blueberries as well then, and in general, may be allergic to dark blue fruit. They do get 6'x6' or at least in the farms and wild around here, but I'm sure you've pruned a plant a time or two, lol, so really not much of a challenge! Loved the video, even with the cold hard truth of the knowledge gained:)))))

  4. Thanks for the update. Looks like somethings are working out for ya. Man those sunflowers were kick'in chicken I tell ya! Sounds like you have a lot of plans for the weekend. Good luck and hope you have a good one.

  5. Those are the healthiest Broad Beans between you and Gloucestershire. No black fly! And, no Rabbits. Just pretty parched ground. Little plants with little roots.. The rains will change everything, you watch. Some direct sowing and by end June it'll be romping away there. Huggs.

  6. Wish my lupins were as good as yours ., I've tried for years to grow them in my garden and my plot, but snails and slugs munch the lot. Gutted. Keep spoiling yours , I'm jealous lol ;-)))

  7. Hi mate, nice tour showing your plot. Loved your comment about watering! I think your sunflowers look a little unwell! Maybe worth resowing as you’ve got until 1st October mate. How about direct sowing a few and see how they go? Lupins looking good and great that there’s been no more rabbit damage. Take care. Nick

  8. Adam, at least the rabbits haven't visited. Your sending them here to my garden has worked well for you. Mother bunny has had three litters now…… Have a lovely weekend. Catherine

  9. Hi Adam You really crack me up buddy}}} you are so laid back you are a man after my own heart }}} i think water is something you have to use }}} my gardening is hit n miss i buy seed from Walmart garden centre }} the packet say easy to grow "this is the kiddies section" what a joke i spend 20 odd dollars on bl##dy seeds and nothing pokes its head up}} my grand nieces children come gardening at my house OK}}} they bring tons of compost {{ Dr Earth no less}} an to my embarrassment every thing those little girls planted grows ahhhhhhg Adam see ya great posthin so funny……….Ed

  10. Hi Adam, I like your editing skills from them I learn a lot but as usual an interesting video worth a thumbs up despite your failure to ask for one. The comments were just as entertaining. (whats going on between you and A little dirt? not to mention Plant based amazing) Some plants are OK in some soils others, not Nadine love the soil on my plot and other plot holders say that Cara does also. Have always grown Nadine here but on your plot could be rubbish. We Shall see as we shall also see from the Saskatoons. Keep smiling and take care Mike B

  11. Would you be tempted by those sacrificial lettuces?!!! They'll select something you haven't planned for them! Nice haggard sweet peas and wonderfully dead looking sunflowers – perhaps they will be resurrected with a miracle! Enjoyed the warts and all update. Brilliant!

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