With the honey bee crisis continuing it’s even more important to encourage native bees to ensure good pollination in the backyard vegetable garden and orchard. Just one hive is plenty for the average property and in return for a safe home and some pollen, bees will enhance your garden 10 fold!
My Uncle sells Native Bee Hives his contact details are below:
Kevin Stiller, Brighton, QLD (in boxes)
Phone: 07 3869 3770
Email: kevinstiller@optusnet.com.au
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Self Sufficient Me is based on our small 3-acre property/homestead in SE Queensland Australia about 45kms north of Brisbane – the climate is subtropical (similar to Florida). I started Self Sufficient Me in 2011 as a blog website project where I document and write about backyard food growing, self-sufficiency, and urban farming in general. I love sharing my foodie and DIY adventures online so come along with me and let’s get into it! Cheers, Mark
We don't have beans in our garden, we have big puffy bumblin' bumblebees
There are more Honey Bees (European bee) on Earth today than there has ever been in Earths history.
Why did you wear head gear netting? Are they really non stingers? No method of self defense/preservation?
God: oh shit we went overboard with deadly things in Australia
adds stingless bees, mark and Ann reardon
Okay everything’s in balance now
Jolly jumping beans you got alota hives what did that run ya
Curious what was going on with the mulch piles around some of the trees. Near the beginning of the video
Your family (brother, grandfather, uncle, you, and more I'm sure) all seem to do so much to help out the planet and agriculture. It's very inspiring. I really enjoy your channel and learn a lot. I'm looking forward to getting started.
Native is better, no matter where you live.
Hey Mark
Just want to say how inspiring you are my friend. I’m a yank who was in the marine corps. When I got out I couldn’t find my place in the world. You’ve been a huge motivator of me finding a piece of land and mini farming. I want to take on food deserts in the states. Keep doing what you’re doing! Cheers
I looked into keeping bees but decided against it. I have loads of bumblebees. I have wild places in my garden where wild species can find enough space to live. I build underground bumblebee nests. I have several species of bumblebees, wasp, bees and lots of other pollinators. This year I'll grow exra flowers.
Wow those Australian bees are tiny. Fascinating
That’s sooo cool
Do you have to register your hives?
Sad… No stingless bees in Canada
Oh must be the only animal native to Australia that doesn't kill you.
If I had a dollar for every 'LOL…' I've seen from Mark I'd have enough to save the bees!
I like most of your less viewed videos, keep it up!
Wasps are common where I live and will often build their mud nests under the eaves of my house. One day, a pest control salesman knocked on my door offering to exterminate the obvious wasp "problem" he could see around my house. I said, "What are you crazy? Wasps are important pollinators. Leave my wasps alone!" LOL And even though I hate mosquitoes, I know they are important pollinators as well.
you forgot to say "lets get into it"
Do they make honey?
The madly plaster technically screw because sky markedly possess past a marvelous algebra. unwritten, obsequious wave
Nice !
Hey that was so interesting wow , bye bees to uncles but good you kept yours . , look like a good new spot . ,, will you make more hives as you did have a lot more f uncles and will just one hive be enough as your land quite huge . Good video well done , o just love all videos , keep them coming