February 26, 2025

VIDEO: Succession Planting Tips For Guaranteed Success Every Time!

Succession planting can seem daunting and overwhelming, but in this guide we will break down the basics of succession planting to offer you the best chance at success in the garden.
Curtis Stone’s channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/urbanfarmercstone
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27 thoughts on “VIDEO: Succession Planting Tips For Guaranteed Success Every Time!

  1. I learn something new with each video. Ty Luke. Also..very nice nod to Curtiss Stone. I like him too, altjiugj5 hes a little more advanced than I'm about Yet. Lol. Thanks for that tidbit about the tomatoes. Blessings

  2. Hey. New to your channel and really liking it. May I make a suggestion as a lot of channels are starting to do this. But for people who don't always have the time, but need info, maybe write a summary? I'll glady watch your videos, but it would be nice to know in advance what tips you are referring to if short on time.

  3. Luke, the first garden bed you were sitting and talk just after the intro, What kind of pipe is that? Where did you purchase? Thanks! Great videos!

  4. Please advise, is it a bad news if there are bunch of tinny white mushrooms growing in the garden? Should I throw out all the soil and start a new?

  5. Brilliant episode. You’ve just made me rethink all my planting guides, and that when a packet says to plant in autumn/ fall that you need to have it started and reach maturity in that season, not planting something in autumn that then carries over into winter. This may be why I’ve had some failures

  6. It was a rough spring for leat lettuce (Black Seeded Simpson) in Illinois– there was hardly any spring this year– the thinning of the seedlings tasted good but summer came on too quickly and the remainder tasted bitter and now are bolting– Could I hope it seeds and replant around Labor Day hoping for a fall harvest?

  7. Local food banks would live your excess produce. Sometimes just bring it to church and let people take want they need. Add Ziploc bags to your tray of basket of extra veggiesfruits for convenience.

  8. Question on succession planting of onions.. im in Missouri near the boot heel zone 6b i believe. But question is what if i start with my long day Utah jumbo and succession plant my red burgundy which is short day in about a month if i start indoors right now. Just planted Utah jumbo and a few or the burgundy reds because i mixed them but have planted out already for the Utah's

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