March 17, 2025

21 thoughts on “VIDEO: Garden Update June 2018

  1. Awesome on the nice candy onions!! Everytime someone mentions baseball makes me
    want to watch "Angels in the outfield" and "The Sandlot"!! Mmm cabbage, i'll take mine
    fried up in some bacon grease!! I like the KFC copycat cole slaw but an old classic recipe
    is good too. I remember a family friend having a old pear tree in their back yard growing
    up ate many of pear from that tree, i was sad when i heard it died!! The crab? apple tree
    wasn't so sad when it died, i would eat so many it'd tare my guts up!! Heck yeah for taters,
    my foliage is dying off, its hard to keep from harvesting them, but i should wait another
    week or two. That's a weird looking roma heh!! I have a cherry tomato that's starting to
    turn!! Nice on the corn progress!! Some purdy lookin buff birds there!! I should've let some
    of my "salad" stuff go to seed oops me!! Gotta transplant my okrie somewhere later!!
    Happy Gardening and Have a good'nnn

  2. You have a wonderful garden. You have such beautiful healthy plants that are producing in great amounts. Your corn is impressive. The pepper plants in pots are some of the biggest I've ever seen. That's some beautiful garlic too. Thanks for the tour of your garden and the update. Hope y'all have a good day.

  3. I waited for the weekend and watched the whole thing on the big screen. Excellent comprehensive garden update! It looks like most everything is doing well and you all are keeping very busy! Nice to see the new girls you have in the chicken run, I hope they will all be nice to each other! I see you have a harvest video up, so I will check that out later. Take care Lea and Al!!!

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