March 17, 2025

VIDEO: Tomato Maintenance For Huge and Healthy Plants Explained

In this video I will be going over the steps we take for pruning, tying, and thinning our tomato plants. Taking care of our plants is a way to ensure huge, healthy plants all season long that produce loads of tomatoes for us.

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29 thoughts on “VIDEO: Tomato Maintenance For Huge and Healthy Plants Explained

  1. Thank you so much for sharing. I'm finally getting back in the saddle after a long illness. The illness is not gone but there is so much health and wellness in the act of gardening plus the benefits of the healthy organic fruits and veggies. My garden has started off struggling this year and after amending new organic raised bed soil and implementing a version of hugelculture its finally perking up.

  2. Luke, is there a point where it is too late to remove suckers or remove branches that are too large? My plants became very busy while I was gone to Europe. They are fruiting, but the fruit is small compared to the size of the plant. Once I tied up the side branches it is hard to even see the fruit without moving your head around…

  3. Love your channel. You get the information out effectively and in a pleasant fashion, there is no confusion as to what you are demonstrating and I appreciate it. Ty sir.

  4. i have one tomato plant that's very bushy and full of foliage. I've been pruning the bottom leaves and removing suckers but its still very heavy. do you have any suggestions for further pruning?

  5. Thanks so much, i got o your page every day to find answers to my very own new garden that i started for the first time in my life…I learn so much from you everyday. Please tell me where I can find info on how to keep critters away from my garden organically. I leave in California in Los Angeles area and I have rabbits, opposums, squirrels, ravens, you name it, I feel like we have them all… Thanks in advance.

  6. Have you ever tried limiting indeterminate tomatoes to 2 main leaders instead of 1? Then keeping all suckers off of those. Would this allow a shorter, yet still prolific, plant? Hopefully the plant would not be too bushy for adequate light and air to avoid fungus.

  7. You should do an experiment where you grow 2 of the same varieties side by side, where one of them you prune down to one main stem, and then the other you dont. Well, let like the first 3 or 4 suckers grow to have multiple main stems, but then you prune the rest of the suckers. And then track how many lbs. of tomatoes you get, amd maybe see if theres. Difference in the size of them or anything.

  8. I have been binge watching your videos. I'm trying the core garden bed technique–I foresee drought conditions in my area so this should be a big help! I'm also applying several of the other ideas you've presented! Thank you so much!

  9. I’d really like more info about spacing these single stem plants in my beds. I’d like to maximize my space but don’t want to crowd. How big are your beds?

  10. Luke, Thanks so much for your videos. I wish I would have seen your videos before I planted my tomatoes. I used those junky tomato supports, the round ones. I also planted them too close together. I want and need to prune, but very worried about taking off the wrong stems and I would love to switch to your method of tying the main stems, but I think it is too late.please provide your thoughts. Thank you!

  11. Nobody talks about those branches on a tomato plant that have no flowers/fruits and usually get long. I usually end up cutting those short or completely off. What is more important: more leaves/branches for photosynthesis, or less leaves/branches to send more energy/nutrients to the tomatoes?

  12. Can you do one little thing . When talking about fertilizer or chemicals. Can you put the bag or bottle visible next to you so we can see name and what bag look like. I’m in macomb county

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