March 26, 2025

VIDEO: Goodness | A Garden Devotional

A year or so ago, I had the idea of a devotional called “Good Morning from the Garden” The only problem was that I couldn’t imagine my target audience, considering so many of the things I learned with the Holy Spirit were in the context of my farm.

Last week, I shared an encouraging word about waiting for your farm dream, and the response was overwhelming. I was so encouraged by the hundreds of messages I received and decided it was time to start sharing these devotionals with all of you.

I sincerely pray this reaches whomever it is meant for. I will be posting these videos once a week. Thank you so much for your comments and for sharing.

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25 thoughts on “VIDEO: Goodness | A Garden Devotional

  1. Cameron and Tyler sit in heaven and watch what a change their lives have and still make in the lives of so many. Death is never in vain in the eyes of the lord. The difference they have made in you and the now multitude of people you touch. It's just like the seeds of the fruit of every plant you grow multiplying exponentially in every fruit. Bless you Jess and your family. God is good.

  2. I just wanted to let you know how inspirational you have been for me. The first video that I saw was called Dear new gardener, you can grow food. I was very moved and I started watching your channel. I’ve learned a lot and I’ve really enjoyed getting to know you and your sweet family. I am now watching all of your videos from the beginning so I have a better idea of the journey that has brought you to where you are today. I’m waiting for the fulfillment of my lifetime dream of a farm. I’ve raised most of my 8 kids but I still want the farm. It’s something that I’m working toward with the help of my 2 oldest sons and daughter in law. Thank you for sharing your journey and being real but always encouraging.

  3. Wow. I'm a relatively new subscriber and have some time to relax tonight, so since I enjoy your videos, I browsed some of the older ones. This hit me square in the heart and I'm sitting here crying like a baby. Thanks so much. You wouldn't believe how much I needed to hear this today. God bless you!

  4. I have been watching Jess for a few months now and in the background every once in a while I would see a devotional crop up in the suggested videos and I never sat to watch them purely because I just hadn't. I was not raised in a house where church or god was talked about and for this reason I often denied him. In the past week I have been struggling with the blessings I have and with what struggles I see ahead and honestly coming to culmination tonight when I sat down and began my conversation with god. Thank you Jess for helping this connection I know he sent me here even before I was ready to aknowledge him.

  5. Thank you for sharing this.
    I strated watching for the homestead info. I have been struggling to produce a dream of my own land and homestead while being happy where I am. I see road blocks and forget the abundance that the Lord has already put in my life.
    Thank you for putting words to the hard stuff and being willing to share ♥️

  6. These are such good words! I've been lacking in my walk with God recently. I've been out of church since March (due to it being closed because of the virus.) There have been times between now and then where I felt like I missed that environment of believers, but not many. I've felt so distracted and preoccupied with everything going on that I haven't even given much thought at all to God or any part of my relationship with him. It makes me feel sad and a little scared that it could all fade so easily, but this gave me hope to start over. You truly have a talent for preaching the word and you use it so well. You are an incredibly beautiful soul.

  7. We lost our only grandchild this last April and after months of feeling as though my life was over too I found hope again in my garden. I watch your videos everyday and find them full of hope and love and miracles.

  8. Hello from Australia 🙂 Just want to say that I love your devotionals. Thanks for sharing your faith, farm and family with us. Would love it if you can bring it back Good Morning from the Garden. We need more encouraging content in this troubled times.

  9. This is beautiful, you truly are a gift. Watching current videos and old ones shows a pattern that when the best things in your life come, there can be loss. But you inspire us by digging deeper into your faith and seeing your God's hand in both sides of that coin. I do not share your religion but I share your faith and belief in divine goodness. I share your struggle in belief of how gloriously generous the divine can be if we believe and trust in it. Thank you for being you!

  10. You are the best, Your understanding of Jesus and how he works in your life is leading me back to my old journals to remind myself of how he has worked in my own life.

  11. I wish I could tag you & Jill in all these devotionals from you that are popping up in my YouTube feed. Right now, I'm at the back end of the moving season that y'all are just going through. Everything is a rush, Everything is a hope, everything is a "hurry & get it done. Everything right now is hard work. The garden is my sanity, but it's not getting my attention like it needs, so that's hard to begin with. I always look for your new videos and Jill's too. But my oh my when they're not there and Im suggested to watch one of these devotionals instead. It's better than church! I get goosebumps, all teary eyed, and somehow Every. Single. One. I have watched seems to fit with my real life scenarios at the moment. I'm truly grateful you're on YouTube!

  12. Spot on! The Lord indeed comes to us where we are. Just like in Scripture, He uses what mankind already understands as a means to teach us MORE. I love how He's taught you through your gardening, your family, your farm. We are definitely of a kindred spirit, Jess. He speaks to me through His creation, through the things that I know, as well… to teach me MORE. He's spoken to my heart through your videos, and has reminded me time and time again to get back to those things that I love, those places where He's taught me so much before, but have sadly wandered from. Thank you for sharing these. I'm listening.

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