This video VLOG gives an acreage and channel update of the tasks needed to be done and our vision for Self Sufficient Me on our organic permaculture homestead.
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Self Sufficient Me is based on our small 3-acre property/homestead in SE Queensland Australia about 45kms north of Brisbane – the climate is subtropical (similar to Florida). I started Self Sufficient Me in 2011 as a blog website project where I document and write about backyard food growing, self-sufficiency, and urban farming in general. I love sharing my foodie and DIY adventures online so come along with me and let’s get into it! Cheers, Mark
I have been to Oz twice, both times in W.A. It still amazes me when It happens to get mentioned, someone always says "I have friends down there blah blah blah in Adelaide or Sydney did you know them? I'm like " No, that was thousands of miles from where I was." Or they will say "I have friends in W.A. yada yada yada" And I'm like "do you know how big W.A. is?"………ignoramuses
Love these videos Mark! You’re a good man!
As always good videos with a ton of good information.
Glad you’re excited and things are going well!
Good for you !
You're living the dream life. If I had money I'd support you for sure. Poor student here ^^ You've got such a beautiful piece of land.
My heart skipped a beat when I saw all those birdie boxes. Mark, do you have any thoughts on Bokashi composting?
Nina can be your “Lighting Engineer” someone directing reflected light into dark areas.
Hey Nina
Bet he’s glad to have the Misses back home. Good luck finding a job in Brissie! Got a cousin in the iron ore country (top end WW) doing maintenance on earth moving monsters!
I can remember the first video I saw where you explained you weren't sure if vlogging would work out or not. So glad you kept on doing these videos. Love them and look forward to seeing many more.
Do you have open days or day visitors to your garden? I live in Brisbane and find your videos very informative for our climate zone. Would love to see your set up in the flesh…so to speak.
Excited for you Mark. I love having plenty of work ahead and certainly you do as well. How to grow a ton of, would like to see something on chives and onions as I can not seem to get them to make. They grow but stagnate rather than develop fully. Our garden is having a tough time of it due to rain. Is there anything you do differently in the rain season for your common veggies? We've had 10 inches the past 30 days which is two times the normal and of course its summer so the temperatures have been quite hot. This has led to flowering veggies to not be successfully pollenated or some other reason for fruit not setting.
Keep up the great work your videos are helpful for me to start my own stuff at home. Again thanks
I love you
Thanks for the video.
So glad to hear of the good things going on for you all!
Thanks for doing what you do. It inspires me.
Hey Mark, Just thought I'd mention if your not familiar with the website fiverr, there you could get your intros and many improvements for your videos etc. It'll only cost a few bucks for each improvement.
Well done! Keep going and looking forward to all of your exciting new videos
You're doing great
Hiya there, just found you 2 minutes ago! AND you are an Aussie! YAHHO!..We are retired, I like sewing (only average at it) I have been changing our garden a bit lately- I should have listened to my mum years ago much more closely!..but she visited today (89 1/2) and she liked how I've started. I'll be watching your videos closely- as we are in the same city (I started watching the dragon fruit video you had, I was given 2..I know nothing of them so thank you!) thanks for everything. best wishes. Marietta and Ian
Mark, I'm catching up on videos and this is awesome, makes me happy that your wife will be back home soon
also that you're pushing forward with your goals and channel, keep up the awesome work!
Beautiful! Watering mouth
There is nothing more nourishing to the human soul than hearing an honest, vulnerable and touching truth shared by another. Much love to you mate and thank you for your service in the military. All the best.
I've only just found your channel and I've had a good sticky beak. I must say, you've done a great job of cleaning up your accent. Our accent can be a bit of a drawl at times, and comes across unclear. I was forced to clean mine up while travelling to countries where English is limited but I still find it can sound a little forced at times. You've done well enunciating more clearly while sounding relaxed. That can only serve to expand your audience.