Garden harvest time! We picked Brandywine, Black Vernissage, Better Boy, and Roma tomatoes.
VIDEO: Garden Harvest June 30 2018
Garden harvest time! We picked Brandywine, Black Vernissage, Better Boy, and Roma tomatoes.
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It's so much fun to see how much you get from your yard! We also grow vernissage tomatoes and love their earthy taste! Have a wonderful week!
You do a great job managing the garden
Looks like the Romas are producing pretty nicely!! Those after the romas looked
awesome!!Did you take one of those brandywines and have a mater sandwich?
Very nice harvests Lea!! Had a hornworm destroy my bell pepper plant, i hated to do it
but i went crazy with the sven dust!! But it showed me where that darn worm was, i picked
him off and tossed him in a bucket of water, hes lucky it wasn't in the daytime!! Going to
give the plant a chance to come back and if it doesn't look like its gonna amount to much
ill just yank it and plant something else there. I had green beans planted in my starter tray
but i guess they was too wet?!? Happy tomato saucin'/dicin' and slicing!!
Have a good'nnn
Very good harvest!! Looks so fresh!! Great job Lea!!
Heck of good harvest for a day, maters comin along real nice!
Outstanding harvest, very impressive! I enjoy watching you actually picking some of the harvest, I kind of closes the loop from when you start with planting. Nicely done!!!
Great garden and great harvest!
You have an amazing crop of tomatoes! Is it normal for the Brandy wine to have the misshaped areas on them! I like the size for making blt's but I've never grown them. I've grown beefsteak tomatoes for a long time and would like to try something different next year. I know you're pleased with how your garden has produced this year with all the vegetables you've gathered. Thanks for sharing your garden experience this year with us. Hope y'all have a wonderful week!
Love that thumbnail
The tomato shot is amaazing. So beautiful how you displayed it!!
Your garden looks so beautiful Lea!!! wow!!! happy harvesting!!! love your chickens!! specially big red!!!
New friend and let’s hope we can stay active we are a supporting channel that always supportive leaves us a comment and we will know you are supporting us nice tomatoes thanks for sharing your wonderful channel likeee lefted
wow, that is a wonderful harvest
I am sooo jealous! What an awesome garden!
WOW! Thats a nice harvest!!! Garden is looking great this year!
Great tomato crop you are having there. Keep up the good work. I liked and subscribed to your channel. Be sure to check out my channel and please subscribe. Thank you
Wow! What an awesome harvest. You are going to be busy prepping all of them. I know it is very rewarding though. I hope you have a great day!
Try cutting back your dead squash leafs and you will produce more. I did this method it worked for me .Good harvest!
Yum! Gorgeous garden!
So many tomatoes! I can't even imagine what to do with so many.
To keep the birds from snacking on your tomatoes, put out a bird bath or a container of water. Birds are more after the water content than the food content.
I love Planters!!!
I am a great advocate of the true “SUPERHEROES”
PLANT!!! Translates in Tagalog as “MAGTANIM”
Please open the sub-title to follow the lyrics
Kung iyong mapapansin, malawak na bukirin
Kalbong bulo-bundokin, karaniwang tanawin
Tayo nang magtanim, lupa'y pagyamanin
Magtanim, magtanim, nang ika’y may makain
Ang saging at papaya, pagkaing pampasigla
Karot at kalabasa, linaw ng inyong mata
Suha at kamatis, pakinis ng kutis
Sa peras at kastanyas, isip ay tatalas
Masaya ang magtanim, bakuran ma’y bungkalin
Paso-pasong lupain, tutubo ang pagkain
Tayo nang magtanim, upang may anihin
Magtanim, magtanim, nang ika’y may makain
Palay, sitaw, petsay, sayote, at mais
Monggo, talong, upo, gabi, kangkong
Litsugas, repolyo, patatas, singkamas
Luya, talbos, labanos, okra, kamyas
Atis, santol, lansones, sinegwelas
Mangga, pakwan, mansanas at ubas
Bayabas, aratiles, kamatsili, duhat
Buko, melon, durian, abokado
Magtanim tayong lahat ngayon
Bungang kahoy o bungang ugat man
Butil, gulay, prutas alagaan
Upang lahat pakinabangan
Punong kahoy at mga halaman
Mahalin natin at huwag putulin
Bungkalin ang lupain, magtanim
Thanks for sharing, I can't wait for my fall garden to start filling in!!
I am Maryland zone 7b
Well your Garden looks wonderful what is your trick for growing great tomatoes I would like to do the same for like sweet peppers and hot peppers and eggplant I like roasted eggplant so that's why I want to try to grow it
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