Hey guys, in this video I explore the concepts of Lasagna Gardening and why you should be employing this method in addition to your no-till farming practices
VIDEO: Lasagna Gardening How To On An Existing Veggie Bed
Hey guys, in this video I explore the concepts of Lasagna Gardening and why you should be employing this method in addition to your no-till farming practices
I created a new garden bed with the lasagna method last year, and I'm happy with the results. I dug out everything down to about 12" deep and threw it to the side. Cleaned out the roots/rocks and had a pile of heavy clay soil. I re-filled the pit with alternating layers of leaf mold, biochar and native soil. Then I let it over-winter
This spring I tossed 4" of composted cow manure on top, and (gasp!) tilled it lightly. Now my soil is broken up/aerated, drains well and its workable without compacting…. unlike the clay I began with.
I think I'll till one more time next spring until I'm a little happier with the soil consistency, then I plan to begin no till gardening after that
Hey, I have that Tshirt! Gardening nerds unite! … and lasagna garden
I just kinda guessed that this method would work for me. Just started gardening for the first time. And was just thinking why not do this. Glad to know I was on the right track