March 13, 2025

VIDEO: Welcome to Roots and Refuge Farm | Channel Introduction

Welcome to our channel, YouTube.
We are so, so thankful that you are here and we hope you are both encouraged and entertained by what we share here.

Thank you for choosing to follow along with this dream come true!

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Our Music is by our friend Daniel Smith

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Vilonia, AR 72173

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Thank you so much for believing in us!

17 thoughts on “VIDEO: Welcome to Roots and Refuge Farm | Channel Introduction

  1. In case the trolls can't appreciate the wonder & glory of the life vision Jesus had in store for your entire family from the beginning, REMEMBER this intro in your brand new 2nd start in your new expanding forever homestead. Love & prayers from northeast Indiana

  2. I've been watching your chanel since early spring of this year. You've inspired me to start a small food garden. Very small but your lesson on the seeds multiplying have come true that I'm have so much more I want to try in my small New England back yard. Thank you. I pray that the spirit moves you to keep creating more content especially the devotionals which have become so meaningful for me. God bless you and pray that you continue to experience bountifulness.

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