It was just an average garden tour at the cottage garden until we came across something that changed all of that.
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I love what you are doing! From Vicksburg Michigan!
Is that rhubarb in the background gone to seed.
Mom's reaction is too cute
Hi Luke – I LOVE your channel. About the big strawberries. I searched on "Do strawberries like dill?", and found: "Dill, fennel, coriander, mint and sage – These herbs and many others are excellent companions for strawberries, helping to repel slugs and other pests." Fennel??? I thought fennel didn't get along with anybody, who knew? And, as we really don't understand all the intricate connections between plants, maybe they contributed to your huge strawberries?!
What kind of strawberries?
I've seen strawberries as big as my fist.
NICE! Proof positive one doesn't need to be 'a slave' to the garden.
I wanted to share a tip from watching Off Grid with Doug and Stacy-they had a guest; Jim Long. He said he was successful drying herbs by taking the herbs, bending the stems in half, putting them in a large paper, (shopping) bag and putting it in the car. The heat will dry the herbs! Look them up on You Tube. Also Luke, I am surprised the slugs have not gotten to the strawberries before you did. Thank you for sharing; Blessings!
I notice that ur cabbage leaves don't have any holes in them, did u use Neem oil or what Luke? Thanks in advance! You're the best!
I don't know how the hell you grow unmanaged squash zuccs, I guess you guys don't have the pests we have down south, because the pickleworms would have turned those into swiss cheese without some sort of masking sprays or constant BT spraying.
There is still more strawberries there i saw! Please pick them.
Do you have an idea of what happened? Have you tills, move or change the soil before planting? It could be that by leaving it alone, you have an increased of micro-organisms variety…
You need to come down to Arkansas & visit Holland Bottoms this time of year! Biggest, best strawberries you will ever taste!
Today is July 4. 2019. I am a first-year gardener. Something ate all my strawberries til I fenced them in all around and above. Waiting for new ones to form. Just found your channel and I have watched so many of your videos. I do have a problem with something stealing and eating all my tomatoes. My neighbor asked me how my tomatoes tasted and I replied that I haven't tasted them yet and explained that they keep disappearing. He mentioned it is probably deer. Do you have any suggestions on how to deter them from eating my tomatoes???? I have indeterminate ones that grow very high and hard to protect. It might have been deer eating the strawberries too! Thank you for sharing a wealth of information with us!
OMG I am sooo jealous !!! (but not in a nasty way of course =D) I WISH soooo much that I had a garden the size of Lukes two, and the money to plant everything that I wanted to plant. My little garden is about 10ft by 15ft ROFL and its part of a bigger, shared garden, which nobody actually uses, but I bet that they would complain, if took it all over (which I am sooo tempted to do, because then I would have about a good half acre… maybe even more, to grow in =9) But Hey-ho, we work with what we have, and I am so happy that Luke is getting such good crops, because he has helped me sooo much, with all of the great info that he provides =DDD
Great job buddy. You should check out the. Poteet Strawberry festival in Poteet Texas. Those suckers can be as big as a fist.
Luke could you please explain to me – where is this summer garden or whatever it is & do you just rent the garden space as it is not near your house ?????? Cheers Denise – Australia
If you're not up there, how on earth do you keep the chipmunks & squirrels out of your faboo gardens? Super jelly in Jersey……
Hahaha you have never been to California. Even the strawberries in the store are way bigger then those haha no offense, they taste horrible though but I buys some from the local mexicans and there great!. My strawberries are about your size but I live in the mountains about 4500 feet up
What growing zone are you in??
Your a grear guy Luke, keep up the good videos!
Your garden looks wonderful! I love most that if we keep our tinkering fingers out of God's beautiful nature, and just leave things to Him, we will be blessed with abundance
Wish I had your space man. Would love to have garden beds to plant fruits and vegs.
New to me, our cottage. With flower gardens beyond my ability to maintain, I had said to 2 neighbour ladies upon meeting them and doing a walk throu my yard, extended the evil apple. Help your selves. OMG, rape is too kind of a word in what they did. When I mentioned enough, they didn’t get it. Took, tags, bamboo poles, soaker hoses, ornaments. Unbelievable and my husband didn’t believe me. So I very firmly and not so nicely made it clear with some strong words and security cameras. Well, caught one on camera and I was so done when she came over for another walk thru, not happening, told her she was very photo genic, well her shock, got her but many varieties gone, too late for me. Now she just creeps around with an excuse to be in my yard, like a bear came by, how are your veggies doing. I am neighbourly but they are so not my friends. So I totally feel your pain.
Haha those plants showed you.
This is so fun and inspiring to me! I'm 70 and my friends and I garden a raised bed in our friends' back yard! Producing tomatoes!
That is beautiful!
You mentioned a store, do you own one or are you referencing your web store?
Love the open sharing!