June 27, 2024

VIDEO: How To Make The Best Potting Mix For Your Veggies

In today’s video, I show you the different soil mixtures that I use here on the farm, why I use them, and how I make them!

For the Ultimate Soil Mixture for all ages of plants, I use 45% Coco fiber, 45% compost, 2% Rock Dust, 2% Oyster Flakes, 2% Alfalfa Meal, 2% Canola Meal, and 2% Epsom Salts. I get the coco fiber from Home Hardware in bulk, I make my own compost, and I use this for the supplement mixture at a rate of 10% to the total mix. It will NOT burn your plants!:


13 thoughts on “VIDEO: How To Make The Best Potting Mix For Your Veggies

  1. Potting mixes accomplish many different things and the supplements you serve a purpose. When I make my Ultimate Mix, I now add the following:
    20% Rock Dust: Soil remineralization is best accomplished with Rock Dust
    20% Organic Alfalfa Meal: All-natural slow-release fertilizer that aids blooming plants and contains boosting hormones for seedlings!

    20% Organic Canola Meal: Organic source of slow-release nitrogen and other trace elements

    20% Pacific Ground Oyster Flakes: Excellent source of natural Calcium and other minerals to prevent Blossom End Rot and maximize fruiting potential of veggies and cannabis

    20% Agricultural-Grade Epsom Salt: The center of the chlorophyll molecule is Magnesium and Sulfur is a macro plant nutrient. Do the math!

  2. So your description says equal parts coco/peat and compost, but in the bid there’s way more coco than compost? Equal by weight or volume?? Thx

  3. Loved the video but, you didn't really give the measurements of how much to use when you make up a batch of soil. The percentage doesn't help me. I need measurements. Hope to hear from you about this. Thank you.

  4. Hello The Ripe Tomato Farms~ I enjoyed your video and clicked on the link to Amazon but it said you are currently unavailable. I am struggling to find the Coconut fiber (and looking for the other items to add to the 50/50% mix. I would appreciate any help you can provide me. Thanks

  5. Jeff , you're definitely the Einstein of gardening !!! Love the channel and how far you've come from these early days 😉 Cheers from south eastern Ontario

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