The “right” way, being subjective. Composting is not hard people! There are a few simple rules to follow but everyone can easily achieve success in composting all their kitchen scraps and yard waste to the most beautiful and beneficial garden additive ever made!
VIDEO: Composting….the right way.
The “right” way, being subjective. Composting is not hard people! There are a few simple rules to follow but everyone can easily achieve success in composting all their kitchen scraps and yard waste to the most beautiful and beneficial garden additive ever made!
I just started a nice big compost pile,,,thanks for the video.
Hey. Your hair is fuckin ridiculous
Just playing…
The great thing about compost: You can't really screw it up too badly. If your ratio is off, or if it gets too dry, or you don't stir it…. it still works, it just takes longer. But the more you attend to it, the more effective it is.
Which reminds me… I have a huge pile of leaf mold about waist deep that needs stirring…..
Great video. Thanks. Did not know about the citrus peals. Shoot! Now I gotta go digging lol. I will just institute that going forward. Hopefully it should be ok.
hi! thank u for the video and tips! we live in an apt and have no access to outside grounds for anything. would it be ok to make my own small compost indoors? or would u not recommend or do u have any tips on doing it indoors?
Is the earthworm hiding in the bottom? Sorry if this is a stupid question……. I’m to start doing my own composting. Thank you for all the great how to videos!
Charles dowding says citrus peels are ok?