March 23, 2025

VIDEO: Complete July Garden Tour

So much has been growing in the garden and we wanted to bring you along for it all. So in this video we will have a complete garden tour for the month of July, and hopefully it will give you just a glimpse of how stunning the garden really is.

Music by: Marlboro.
Song: Good Morning
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25 thoughts on “VIDEO: Complete July Garden Tour

  1. I think most people, when referring to organic gardening as 'less productive' or as you said 'inferior' ways of producing food, they are referring to large scale production. Giant fields don't get the care and treatment that, say, your garden does, so they do tend to do on average, less well and produce less than traditional fields. In that regard anyway.

    I'm not dissing organic gardening or you or anyone. Your garden is amazing and you do an incredible job and I love watching your videos. I've learned so much and I do appreciate everything you do. Small scale organic is totally manageable if done correctly, but on a larger scale statistically they do produce less.

  2. I'm glad to see everything is going so well for you this year. My tomatoes are winding down here in North Carolina – I've been harvesting since mid-May. I'm jealous that yours are just coming in. That's my favorite time of the year – that initial, glorious burst of tomatoes. Next year, I'll be succession planting to extend the joy. I want to get into vines more. I have never planted sweet potatoes before. Inspiring. Keep up the good work.

  3. I just discovered your channel. I subscribed! I’m looking forward to learning as much as I can. I pretty much know nothing and this will be a new hobby for me. I’m excited!

  4. Had to remove dead squash yesterday.. with i could post pic of the borer.. bright side it was only one this year… luke thanks for all the info..

  5. I have a question about growing tomatoes. I live in Anchorage, Alaska and don't have a greenhouse. I have several tomato plants in containers, but have never been able to get ripe fruit without having them in a greenhouse. Currently I have 5 pots outside on a heat mat. Have you heard of anyone trying this before and if it was successful? I really don't want to have to bring them inside and put them under lights just yet.

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