March 15, 2025

VIDEO: Pear Trees and Bathroom Stalls | A Garden Devotional |

Today I want to tell you a couple of stories, and encourage you in your walk with God to just have an honest conversation.

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22 thoughts on “VIDEO: Pear Trees and Bathroom Stalls | A Garden Devotional |

  1. Jessica, thank you. God uses you to fill my soul. Our church has been doing 1000 hours of prayer over the valley of Penn State. I was so discouraged and disappointed today for not seeing "fruit". I landed on this old devotional. No coincidence. Thank you.

  2. Thank you so much for this. This really touched me and came at the precise right time, even if I am two years after you posted it. You really are a shining light.

  3. Well….. I watched your video and got a little teary eyed. I haven’t had a conversation with God in forever so today I did. I’m at a life changing time in my life and was asking what I should do…. stay in our home, sell our house and property.. move? Build? Then I heard the mailman at the mailbox, I went out and I pulled out a booklet… titled God – keep our land. Hummmmm

  4. I don't normally comment, but this one wrecked me, in all the right ways. Jess, you have no idea. 3 months after my husband and I separated (6 years ago) and my dream of having a whole family fell between my fingers, I went on a retreat and sat alone with God. In that moment, remembering hearing my husband say to me, "I hate to see your face, and I hate hearing your voice" on this way out the door, the Lord took me to Song Of Solomon 2:14. I didn't even know what that verse was, but when I read it, I burst into tears. So here I am, working late hours in the middle of photoshopping drawings and listening to your vlog, a vlog about disappointment and waiting, on a day that would have been my parent's 50th wedding anniversary had they stayed married, and ironically the exact same day it is my ex-in-law's 50th wedding anniversary (folks who broke my heart), I hear His promise all over again. Thank you so much for taking the time to make this vlog 2 years ago, planting that pear tree, because I needed it today. <3 God bless you!

  5. Jess, I just finished the I'm mad devotionals. You had me crying like a baby sitting here. Then I heard this one and you made me laugh. Thank you! While you were speaking I thought about your pear tree. We can speak and move a mountain into the sea. I thought, they also moved a pear tree. God knows you can't leave a tree in with Goats.. they will kill it every time. ( that's experience talking) So, he just simply moved yours and your son's tree. He just had to let you unwrap his present to y'all.

    Jess, I have just discovered your devotionals. I have been feeding on them for about two days now. You have no idea how what you said in 2018 before and after, you are speaking to me directly in 2020. I am due for a surgery that has just totally flipped my world upside down… and I have to tell you… I am now, after hearing a few things you've reminded me of, I am at peace about it. Just like he lead the Israelite people away from the Egyptians… and was taking them to their promised land, the land of milk and honey. They were scared he was going to kill them… take them out there to die. I have felt the same way about this surgery. Then I thought, he put this dream in my heart.. it's made me pregnant with this dream of a working farm.. and beautiful garden. Why would he give me that just to take it away or take me away… he's not cruel, he's good. Thank you! and God Bless you!

  6. By far one of the most moving and profound messages I have heard in quite some time. Recently discovered your channel from a chicken-keeping, vegetable-growing, homesteading angle.. yet you bring so much more than that. You bring joy.

    Thank you, from across the pond in the Scottish Highlands 🙂

  7. For a reason this video popped up in my feed.
    I stopped having conversation. I remember my first was love ,joy and elation. I had never felt that before. I carried such euphoria that it frightened my family and friends. I stopped the conversations.
    I've tried living through the messages received and memories of that time.
    For a reason i didn't see this video when it was uploaded.
    Thank you for such a powerful message.
    I'm headed out to my first productive garden after 12 years of obstacles,( large rocky clay soil)
    I will continue the conversation I silenced 8 year's ago .

  8. Oh Jess… every time I come across an old devotional of yours it speaks straight to my heart in the here and now. That was exactly what I needed to hear right now in the cool evening of my neglected garden as I potter around to bring the weeds back under control… I think about my neglected relationship that is hurting and know that God has told me NOT to walk away. But that that hurts my feelings, it is hard to stay where love is hard and it hurts that God has asked me to stay, but the truth is He just wants me to have a conversation with him about it. He wants me to see the growth among the weeds and to not give up because there is a lot of work to do. I know you are in a crazy busy season right now but please keep making these devotional videos as they do not lose the anointing over time. May God richly bless you, today and as you walk into the many dreams he has been preparing for you before you even knew to ask.

  9. Oooh dear. Ugly crying here because I am confused. I am working through something rough and struggling with the why… I don't have any fancy words and I'm not sure what is going to happen, but thanks Jess. Thank you for walking through this gracefully so that I can be helped through similar struggles. You are such a blessing.

  10. Jess, you truly have a gift of speaking the truth of God's Word in a way that your listeners will understand and appreciate. Such a blessing! Thank you for being REAL!

  11. My puppy destroyed a 2 ft pear tree sapling. I found the root ball and replanted it. Eventually, a tiny leaf appeared down close to the soil line. A year later, that leaf has become a 3 ft sapling that is healthier than ever and the puppy has learned not to dig my garden. Faith, like a pear tree leaf, can move mountains.

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