March 14, 2025

VIDEO: Straw Bale Gardening 24: Carrots and Tomato Tips

In this episode we cover tomato care tips and their easy growing partners: carrots. If you have any questions, please leave them down below in the comments section. Thanks for watching!

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6 thoughts on “VIDEO: Straw Bale Gardening 24: Carrots and Tomato Tips

  1. Can you over water straw bales? My bales feel damp all over and today my tomatoes are wilted and turning yellow, but yesterday they looked good. I water with a sprayer hose. I didn't bother conditioning my bales but I've planted tomatoes in a straw bale before and didn't condition it and they grew really good.

  2. Last winter season I experimented with barley bales I bought from a local farmer. It was such a success I was convinced that gardening with bales is a wonderful way to garden. My first attempt with 8 bales produced months of delicious lettuce, orach and spinach. At least 7 volunteer tomato plants grew up in the bales. I also grew several things in a raised bed which was not as successful. So this season I am experimenting with 39 bales of johnson grass. Planting everything from seed directly into the bales, tomatoes, green beans, cucumbers, chilies, marigolds, lemon basil, cayenne peppers and several varieties of squash in a separate bale bed

  3. Listening to a podcast today call Encyclopedia Botanica. They were talking about this method of growing. I was so intrigued by it because living in a small home with a long driveway I thought this might be doable. The gal in the video resorted to straw bales on her driveway because she grew so many varieties she was running out of room. I thought, how clever and couldn't wait to see what this was all about. Thanks for sharing your information. I imagine since it is mid May, I may have to wait to do mid June crop because it takes about a month to condition the straw? Peace.

  4. Hi
    I’m in Australia and found your video interesting. Thanks for putting Celsius temperature on screen. First time using straw bales. I’m planting tomatoes but might give your carrot idea a go.
    I’ve put a drip per system on bales too and was planning to run twice a day for 20 minutes but I like your idea of watering four times a day.

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