Today we’re taking a look at my friend Marco’s system, the Aponix vertical barrel growing system. It can be either soil or hydroponic, but you’ll see me set it up as a hydroponic system in this video.
Vertical hydroponics is one of the THE MOST PRODUCTIVE ways to grow in small, urban spaces due to its high yield and low footprint.
What I like about this system is that the parts are mostly available at hydroponic retailers or Amazon, unlike fancier systems like the Tower Garden which try to lock you in to their products and nutrients.
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0:00 – Intro
1:25 – System Setup
5:05 – Filling System
8:09 – Seed Starting
10:05 – Seeds Germinated
10:32 – Planting Seedlings
I made a few hydro systems, some with aquarium pumps, and with aerogardens. I found soil to be the medium with the best tasting fruits n veggies.
Man I just want to say thank you for all videos. I've been learning so much.
Are these wider than the Tower Garden?
Aesthetically, I find the distribution of pots makes more sense on the Tower Garden. This feels very dense
Woe what a bizarre price. I'm hearing $1,300? Is that for real?
Basically an advert for your 'friend' Marco. you didn't even upload a video showing the results if any. you are only replying to questions where people are asking where to find or where to order.
you sir, just lost a subscriber
I love the fact you're barefoot. I hate shoes too.
Great vid thanks bro
it would be good to get a vid on pros / cons on all the different types of hydro / aeroponic systems for the home gardener. What system has the best bang for buck. Cheers
Great video superb i have literally watched every video in your channel in the past 3-4 days. Because of the epicness i have subscribed. i have a couple of questions.
1) does the pump have to run 24×7 ?
2) when the plant grows bigger do we replant or keep it here ?
3) what is the sponge material we plant on ? is there a substitiute or ?
$780.15 shipped to the US for a small starter kit? Im in the wrong business
Would your hose need to have a filter on it? What I mean is, would the municipal supply have chlorine etc and would you need to flter that out? or would it not affect the roots in any way? Thanks.
A couple of design points for discussion:
1) The plant roots will get tangled, so it may not be good for staggered planting. It might be OK for harvesting everything at once, though, as it will be one huge root system.
2) Did I miss where he secured the top to the bottom, or did it just set on top? Seems like a storm may blow the top over.
3) As others have said, that's a small reservoir for 58 plants.
4) The surface area of the exposed nutrient solution on top will increase the evaporation rate. This along with a small reservoir and 58 plants will have you refilling the nutrient solution multiple times per day when it's hot.
5) The top has the nutrient solution exposed to light. Nutrients plus light equals algae.
6) Algae growth plus tiny holes equals plugged holes. Plugged holes equals starving plants.
To be honest, it appears the engineer/designer that came up with this idea has never grown anything hydroponically, nor vertically. All items can be remedied with a redesign, but the mental giant who set the price needs a reality check. At $1400 per tower, it will have a 5 YEAR PAYBACK! That's not something you can redesign, unless, of course, your crop is Lowrider cannabis.
I got really excited about this system until I found the price. It is available in the US from – BUT it is listed a $1,099 + ship. A novel idea but way too expensive for maybe 50 bucks of molded plastic.
Those prices may be acceptable to a commercial enterprise but I figure I can make one with a heat gun and a mandrel for maybe $75 plus/minus. This is the equivalent of going to a marine or aviation store and buying a stainless bolt at $4.00 that costs a quarter at a big box. Momma didn't raise anyone that dumb, well maybe my brother. LOL
Looks like a very efficient product but there are some things I’m concerned about:
1. How do you deal with fungal growths in the barrel/plants? If any?
2. What is the maintenance like for a system like this?
3. Is it worth the money/effort compared to other growing systems?
Its a cool system but the lack of straightforward pricing on the website and the need to request a quote seems disingenuous. Looks good and good review.
how much is this 1 barrel?
I recomand this electric baterry pruning shear.
Or…. I could take a 55gl drum, a saw , torch and some glass bottles and make a similar system for pennies on the dollar. Just sayin.
The top is ver dirty and will be worst with time.
Not too practical but pretty aesthetic
does the pump run all day?
Hello EG, great video. I had a couple questions: are the items: recycled plastics, and sustainable products NET-ZERO footprints? at leased Balanced out for Global Warming issues, better food for better health and better world? Organic SEEDs and no Monsanto controlled? Did you take out the Floride in the water? Thx, keep up the great work. If you need a little help on this, I would be proud to help a little with some of these items, to help your viewers and the world. Jeff
Is it just me or is it a nightmare to try to figure out how to buy those from their website? I’ve looked all over the site and I am very overwhelmed.
Πόσο κοστίζει αυτή η μονάδα
How many dolars does this unit cost
Any updates on this system? I can’t find any on this in your videos.
Hi, do you know where can i find the 3d files stretch to making a 3d printed aero tower unity ?
Why even do this when there’s no info of pricing waste of my time I don’t buy from thieves who don’t list prices
Any follow up on how this worked out?